10 Ways to Relieve Bloated Stomach Without ‘Erupting’

It sucks to have a bloated stomach, doesn’t it? You feel like you can’t sit down properly and you cannot afford to relax.

Or things will erupt.

Gases are formed when we eat foods that are hard to digest (e.g. food high in fiber). These foods will be placed in the large intestines where bacteria interact with these partially digested foodstuffs to produce gases.

At the most unfortunate time, whether at a meeting or the lift, a burp comes out, or even worse, a loud fart that seems to echo within the confined space.

If you have the unfortunate experience of feeling bloated all the time, then you have to know these ten ways to get rid of it fast.

If not, you’re going to be feeling uncomfortable and irritable the entire day.

Drink peppermint tea
Peppermint is good for relieving muscle tension and alleviating gas pain. It contains menthol which also helps in smoothing the muscles of your digestive system. As a bonus, it can help calm your nerves as well. Three in one, sounds like a winner, doesn’t it?

Drink this after a meal to ensure that everything within moves smoothly and you’ll likely not have a bloated stomach.

Drinking ginger tea
If peppermint doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, how about some ginger instead? It has chemicals that help to sooth your intestinal tract and ease inflammation, and the root can also help prevent the formation of excess gases that resulted after digestion.

Slice some ginger into a cup, drizzle with a bit of lemon and honey and pour boiling water over it. Let it steep for a couple of minutes and take a sip from it. Alternatively, just eat a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger before meals and you’ll most probably say goodbye to a bloated stomach.

Chew your food thoroughly
A bloated stomach could simply mean that you need a change your eating habits a bit. Gases are formed in the intestines when food that’s harder to digest sits in your intestine, causing more and more gases to be formed.

So all you have to do is to chew food thoroughly before swallowing and it’ll pass through your stomach easily, preventing a build up of gases.

Do not talk much while eating, or swallow before talking
There are enough gases formed within your intestines, you don’t have to aggravate the issue by taking in more air and swallowing the air along with the food during meal times. Don’t talk while eating and swallow before talking. You’re doing yourself, and others a huge favour.

Drink a glass of warm lemon water every morning
The acidity in lemon assists in the formation of Hydrochloric Acid, an essential component in breaking down the food within your body. This means food gets digested faster and results in lesser building up of air. The water helps to flush your system early in the morning as well, washing away the built up of toxins within your body.

Eat anise seeds
It helps to expel air from the body and prevent a bloated stomach. It also helps to relax your stomach and calm your nerves because it has anti-spasmodic properties and can be used to fight cramps as well.

Eat some pumpkin together with your meal
Gases are formed by bacteria in our intestinal tract interacting with food that’s hard to digest in our large intestine. Eat a cup of pumpkin along with your meal as it’s said pumpkin is great for dealing with these excess gases.

Change your diet
If you eat food that causes gases to be formed in your stomach like beans, broccoli, deep-fried food, etc…, you’re going to be passing gas like nobody’s business. And these gases are deadly. Literally. Like people fainting once they smell it.

Change your diet to food that your stomach can digest easily and you’ll probably have nipped the problem in the bud.

Well, we just have to put this in here. Running and farting is the best form of exercise you can find. Imagine yourself blasting off with the power of your farts. But no, really. Physical activities help to move your intestinal tract around, and the movement will dislodge any pockets of gases in your tummy and expel them. Or at least, that’s what we heard from my grandma. Sounds legit, though, doesn’t it?

Find a dark corner and let it all out
Yes, we know we said it’s not just by farting, but sometimes, it could be the easiest solution. Being bloated means there are gases in your stomach that’s dying to get out. Instead of holding it in (which will have you running for the toilet in no time), excuse yourself to find a dark corner to stand in, and let it all out. Then walk away pretending that nothing unusual happened. Make sure there are no witnesses standing around, or at least make sure you didn’t kill anyone with your farts.

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