The newest Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness movie is coming out on the 4th of May. Here are some simple facts and teasers you should know about the film before watching – mild spoilers ahead!
- Sam Raimi is the principal director for the film

Sam Raimi created the original Spiderman trilogy and the Evil Dead franchise. It’s a blast to the past to see that he’s returning to direct the Marvel franchise with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
2. It’s being marketed as Marvel’s first horror film

MCU Chief Kevin Feige has called it Marvel’s first horror film – the franchise’s first forage into the genre. Given director Sam Raimi’s laudable horror filmography, it’ll definitely be something to look forward to and a new take on the franchise as a whole.
3. The film got banned in Saudi Arabia for showing an openly LGBTQ+ character

Marvel has made history with the introduction of the first Latin-American openly LGBTQ+ character America Chavez, who can create interdimensional portals with one punch. But not everyone is quite on board with her character, with Saudi Arabia pulling the entire film from its cinemas for the inclusion of her.
4. It’s a direct continuation of Spider-Man: No Way Home

Given Doctor Strange’s actions during Spider-Man: No Way Home, the new film will show him facing the consequences for his choices. Spidey is also speculated to return in this film. In fact, Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange) has even set out a huge claim – that the Multiverse of Madness will be as big as Spider-Man: No Way Home.
5. Elizabeth Olsen, Rachel McAdams, and Benedict Wong are all cast in the film.

Elizabeth Olsen (Scarlet Witch), Rachel McAdams (Christine Palmer), and Benedict Wong (Wong) are all slated to return to the franchise, giving us a sense of the characters the film will feature, and the wildly different universes that they will explore – especially since Sinister Strange, the version of Doctor Strange in the case of Christine’s death, was shown in the trailer, as well as Christine in what seems like a wedding that isn’t between her and Strange.
6. The Scarlet Witch is a huge feature in the film

The Scarlet Witch is shown to be a huge part of the film as seen in the trailers, with Doctor Strange seeking her help in a beautiful grove of white falling petals which she resided in after the traumatic events in Westview. She’s also shown to have dark fingertips, which implies that she has been delving into the dark arts more.
7. Rumoured that Patrick Stewart will be featuring as Professor X

Professor X, one of the members of the Illuminati in X-Men, has been given a snapshot in the trailers, along with what seems like Stewart’s iconic voice. Although we cannot be a hundred percent sure, there is a huge possibility that he will be in the film, given the glimpses of a character in a wheelchair just like X.
Marvel fanatics, have fun with the newest installation in the franchise!
Featured Image: Marvel Studios