9 More People Fined $1,000 for Repeated CB Offence; 80 Found Without Masks in Public


Over 10 people were fined $1,000 for repeatedly breaking circuit breaker rules.

And you’d think that people have learnt their lesson by now.

Image: quickmeme

Because our resident discipline master has come out to reveal this:

9 More People Fined $1,000 for Repeated CB Offence; 80 Found Without Masks in Public

The Minister of Water and Environment Resources (MEWR), Mr Masagos Zulkifli, took to Facebook to announce that even after the exponential number of people caught on 19 Apr, they continued to catch people breaking circuit breaker rules.

On 20 Apr 2020, more than 200 people were caught not complying with safe distancing measures.

80 of them were spotted not wearing masks.

And to top it off, 9 of them are repeat offenders and will face the $1,000 fine.

Image: funnyjunk.com

Crazy rich Asians, indeed.

The exasperated minister even wrote this:

What will it take to get them to understand that they are putting everyone’s safety at stake?

Covid-19 Is Like The Facebook Of Coronaviruses

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the “R₀ (or R-naught) of COVID-19 is 2 to 2.5.”

Basically, this means that a single Covid-19 carrier will go on to infect two people.

Then these people will infect two people each.

In a single month, an unchecked Covid-19 carrier can potentially infect one thousand people.

And when you add in the fact that there are people who show no symptoms, or have mild symptoms, but continue spreading the virus, the situation is immediately upgraded from level 0 to level 99.

Like a giant cockroach the size of your dog.

Which explains why the authorities are going after people who break the rules mercilessly, even a nasi lemak stall just wanting to make a living.

Singapore’s In A Disadvantageous Situation

Mr Masagos also revealed that when it comes to Covid-19, size does matter.

In a densely populated country like Singapore where almost 5.9 million people are squeezed onto the main island that’s just 721.5km² big, a major Covid-19 outbreak could happen again at any time if people continue flouting the rules.

Just think of our foreign worker dormitories right now where 12 people are confined into a single room.

The number of new Covid-19 cases (and transmission) practically exploded.

Still not convinced? Just look at Diamond Princess. The Covid-19 situation onboard the cruise ship was so bad it got an entry on the John Hopkins interactive map which is usually reserved for countries.

Compliance Is Not Wanted, It’s Needed

Mr Masagos pointed out that at the current moment, “staying home is the best choice”.

Together, we decide the outcome of the COVID-19 crisis. Nobody else.

Stay home, stay safe. Let’s come out of this Healthier and Stronger!

And he’s not the only one saying so.

Experts that ST spoke to also pointed out that right now, Singapore’s getting a grade B to C for the circuit breaker measures’ effectiveness.


And the next few days will determine if our CB lives will continue or finally end (temporarily) on 4 May as planned.

You can read his full Facebook post below:

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