1,111 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today (21 Apr); 20 Are S’poreans or S’pore PRs

A few days back, we were always anxiously waiting for the new number of cases at night, and sometimes even fell asleep while waiting.

Now, it’s clear that you’d get to know the numbers in the afternoon so you won’t have an excuse to stay up late.

Today, 1,111 new COVID-19 cases were announced, putting the total number of cases in Singapore at 9,125.

Out of the 1,111 cases, 20 are Singaporeans or Singapore PRs.

Yesterday, the final number of Singaporeans / Singapore PRs infected is 18—a change from the 16 reported in the afternoon as contacting tracing soon revealed the correct number.

As for today, the vast majority is still from foreign worker dormitories as the authorities are doing extensive tests for workers who reside in dormitories. As of now, 19 foreign worker dormitories have been gazetted as isolation areas.

According to MOH, “These are not new infections as the workers are staying in their rooms and many have not reported sick. But when the teams go in to test them, many turn out to be positive.”

CNA has just uploaded an episode of Talking Point that talks about dormitory infections in YouTube, and if you’ve got 20 minutes to spare, this would be a good watch:

Circuit Breaker Extending or Not?

No one knows if we’re finally going to have wanton mee in our favourite hawker stalls on 5 May 2020 yet, but experts say we might see an answer in the next few days.

Dr Leong Hoe Nam, probably Singapore’s most famous Covid-19 doctor by now, says the next few days will be “like a mid-year exam”.

He said the time taken for that person to show symptoms and infect others is 5 days. Theoretically, this means that a single Covid-19 carrier will have the chance to infect “3 cycles” of people by now.

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Whether the CB is effective enough to break these cycles will be made known in the coming days.

He added that he wasn’t happy with the current figures, and hoped it would have dropped to between 10 and 15 by now.

Well, that means he probably isn’t happy with today’s number, too.

Some other countries have recently announced the lifting of some tight restrictions: New Zealand is lowering its alert level to level three from next Monday while Australia is reopening schools next month.

Over in the US, several states are also working to “reopen society”.

Would we also receive the same news soon?

In the meantime, keep yourself updated by bookmarking MOH’s website here and registering for the Gov.sg’s WhatsApp service here.

Or if you’re young, you can join Gov.sg’s Telegram channel and do remember to join the Goody Feed Telegram channel, too.

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