When I was younger and I asked my mom where I came from, she would jokingly tell me that she picked me up from inside a garbage can.

I believed her at first because I was young and dumb but as I grew older, I became sceptical of her rubbish dump baby allegations.
She would then laugh and tell me that my birth certificate says so.
Obviously, my mom was joking but this child’s mom isn’t when she tells people that her child was born on the PIE.
Boy Who Was Born While in Car Has Address of Birth in Birth Cert as ‘PIE after Anak Bukit Flyover’
A woman named Sindhu RK Johnson took to Facebook to share her incredible experience giving birth on PIE.
She says, “Never in my wildest dream I imagined to be pushing out a human in the car on the way to the hospital with no assistance. Win already la Son, win already.”

She explains how she was doing her laundry and housework at midnight and was about to go to bed. She then squatted down to kiss her dog, Baron, goodnight.
How sweet.
“I knew I was In Trouble”
When she stood up, she knew something was not right.
“I knew I was in trouble. I could feel I ruptured something in me.”
Contractions than began immediately so shortly after she decided to wake her husband up and they went to their car.
The only problem was that they didn’t own a car, they owned a jeep which required her to climb up into the vehicle.
“Climbing up this high vehicle I broke my water bag n it just sped up the labour(I assume) n I knew I was gonna deliver in the car(as this is my 2nd child)though I didn’t tell the husband what I’m feeling so not to panic him.”
A few contractions later, she started to push and after just 2 pushes, her son was born.
Thankfully just 20 minutes later, they arrived at the hospital.
“With an entourage waiting at the hospital. From midwife to nurses to security officers n few others for this VIP.. only thing is F1 grid girls missing la. Cord was cut at the entrance of the hospital by Daddy J. And all was well. Me n son are healthy.”
Most importantly, his birth certificate places his address of birth as “inside a jeep on PIE after Anak Bukit Flyover”.

Let the cat come in now:

Secret To Fast Labour
Forget hours of painful labour because she’s about to share with you some tongue-in-cheek tips on how to speed up this arduous process.
The secret to fast labour :
- Adopt a dog (Good karma)
- Walk him solid 1.5hrs every day.
- When you pick up his poo, do a full squat (Physical well being)
- Cuddle with your dog when you feel hormonal or emotional (maintain emotional n mental wellbeing)
Come to think of it, they’re not tongue-in-cheek tips; they are legit, no?