British PM Boris Johnson Tested Positive For COVID-19 & Here’s Why There Are Mixed Reactions

Unlike your friends Ah Hock and Ah Huat, the coronavirus doesn’t discriminate; it sees, it strikes and it infects.

Even if you’re in the Royal family.

Or even if you’re a head of state who’s been elected to get the UK out of the European Union.

British PM Tested Positive For COVID-19 & Here’s There Are Mixed Reactions

Lest you didn’t know, we have many imported cases from the UK.

And there’s a reason for it: unlike other countries that’ve been actively contact tracing every new case and closing borders, the UK, headed by a relatively newly elected British PM Boris Johnson, a Donald-Trump lookalike (not just looks but way of speaking, too), has initially kept the UK open.

Why, you ask.

The country’s goal is to fight the virus through herd immunity; in other words, just let everyone be infected and build an immunity to it.

Image: wiki

You can read more about this here.

WHO slammed the decision but the UK has denied the action, with Health Minister Matt Hanock denying that they’ve made a plan for that.

Of course, actions speak louder than words. Singapore, before a border closure of all countries, had initially close the border for the UK specifically simply because of the UK’s initial position.

But because numbers don’t lie, this happened: they had a steep curve.

Image: Giphy

Which leads to this speech:

On 23 March 2020, Boris Johnson made a U-turn and shut down the region

The reason?

The very same reason why every country is slowing the spread of the virus: flattening the curve.

And today…

Boris Johnson Tested Positive

The British PM was last seen yesterday when he stepped out of No 10 Downing Street (the UK Government HQ) to clap as a support to thank their healthcare staff.

All of a sudden, just 30 minutes ago, he posted this video in Twitter:

Lest you can’t watch because Twitter’s not the best platform for video, you can watch a re-upload video here:

It comes with this caption:

Over the last 24 hours I have developed mild symptoms and tested positive for coronavirus.

I am now self-isolating, but I will continue to lead the government’s response via video-conference as we fight this virus.

Together we will beat this. #StayHomeSaveLives

In the video, he said that he had developed mild symptoms and his chief medical officer advised him to take a test. He did so and was tested positive.


He then thanked the public sectors for fighting the virus and said that he can continue to work at home.

Throughout the video, you can’t tell that he’s sick.

Once again, he told people to stay at home.

But after reading the entire article…you’d know why comments like these are appearing everywhere:


After all, isn’t that herd immunity?

In any case, hopefully, he’ll recover soon because COVID-19 is no joke.

As of time of writing, the UK has 11,660 confirmed cases and 578 deaths.

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