China’s Number of New Covid-19 Cases Drops To 119

By now, everyone would have known that COVID-19 has taken the world by storm and it’s pretty much the only thing that everyone can talk about these days.

There are currently over 93,000 people infected, and more than 3,200 people have been killed thus far, with the majority of the confirmed COVID-19 cases coming from China.

This is because the infection is suspected to have come from a wild animal market in Wuhan, China.

Many frontline healthcare workers have given their all to battle against COVID-19.

Even if they were already infected and were displaying respiratory symptoms, they still continued to work and treat their patients because they knew that their patients needed them.

But here’s some good news for a change.

New COVID-19 Cases Drop Third Day In A Row

Even though China reported 38 more deaths as of today due to the highly contagious COVID-19, it has been the third consecutive day since it saw a drop in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases.

On Tuesday, it was reported that there were 119 newly confirmed cases, and this was a decrease from Monday’s total of 125 new confirmed cases.

There were 202 new cases on Sunday, and this was a huge decrease from the 573 confirmed cases on Saturday.

Image: Giphy

The epicentre of the virus outbreak, Hubei province, reported a total of 37 new deaths and 115 new cases as of Tuesday.

While the death toll in China is currently 2,981 and more than 80,200 people have been infected, it is still good news that the number of confirmed cases each day has been gradually dropping.

Of course, it is still too early to say that the virus will be gone for good, but we can definitely hope for it and pray that the number of confirmed cases continues to decrease until it finally reaches 0 and stagnates.

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Battling Against COVID-19

Seeing as to how China is able to battle against COVID-19 despite having so many people infected, hopefully, this will also inspire Singaporeans and give the rest of us hope that we, too, can battle against COVID-19.

Like what Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said, as long as we stay united, we will be able to overcome the COVID-19 outbreak just like how we “overcame the Sars crisis to emerge intact and stronger”.

Despite the spikes in the number of confirmed cases in places like Italy, Iran and South Korea, let’s all pray that they will soon also experience a consecutive decrease in the number of cases in a day.

Of course, while it is a time to rejoice, we should not be complacent and continue to take the precautionary measures to ensure that we do our part in preventing the spread of COVID-19.

So remember:

  • Wash your hands
  • Don’t anyhowly touch your face
  • Come out and play if you’re healthy
  • Stay home if you’re unwell.

And do see a doctor as soon as you realise that you’re unwell. In the meantime, stay strong, everyone!

Image: Giphy

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