Community Cat in Bedok Allegedly ‘Beaten to Death’ & Hung on HDB Pipe For All to See

Some people don’t deserve to live.

Like, for example, Hitler who made millions suffer. Or in recent days, Patient 31 who infected many with the coronavirus.

Or even more recently, someone from Bedok or someone who’s been in Bedok who’s sick enough to not just murder a tuxedo cat, but even hung its body like a trophy on an HDB dry riser pipe.

Here’s what happened.

Community Cat in Bedok Allegedly ‘Beaten to Death’ & Hung on HDB Dry Riser Pipe

Before that, you need to know more about community cats—i.e. friendly cats that linger in your neighbour and are often overweight though you’ve never seen them hunting for their own food before.

They are also called community cats.

And very often, there would be people feeding them. These people are known as cat feeders, and they bought the food with their own money.

You’d never see the food traces because the feeders would ensure that they use a disposable bowl, and would clean up the areas after feeding the cats.

In other words, every single cat you see in your neighbourhood has an “owner”, or many “owners”, which explain why many of these cats are overweight.

So whoever this Bedok joker is, he or she probably didn’t expect that there’s a manhunt for the murderer.

According to a post in Facebook group Sayang Our Singapore’s Community Cat, a tuxedo cat called Ah Gu was allegedly beaten to death on 14 March 2020 at around 1am.

The murderer did more than just murder: Ah Gu’s body was “was strung up on the pipe for all residents to see”.

Image: Facebook (Sayang Our Singapore’s Community Cats)

If you can’t read the words, here’s what’s written without the tags and hashtags:

My neighborhood cat “Ah Gu”, who was always gentle and friendly, was brutally lynched and beaten to death on 14 March 2020 around 1am. His dead body was strung up on the pipe for all residents to see. The incident occurred at Block 710 Bedok Reservoir Road around units #02-3128 and #02-3130 and we have already reported to the police (bedok police station) and nparks. We demand full justice for this innocent cat and I hope the police will spend full efforts catching this sadistic and cruel perpetrator. There are many more neighborhood cats here and I fear for the residents and animals’ safety. Please help me share this post about a cat killer at Block 710 Bedok Reservoir Road!

Here’s the image that accompanies the post:

Image: Facebook (Sayang Our Singapore’s Community Cats)

The image has since been shared more than 1.6k times.

If you’ve witnessed the brutal act, you can contact Mdm Koh here.

And let’s let this article be a warning to all would-be cat torturers: remember, every community cat has at least an “owner” even if he or she is not always around. So don’t even think of trying anything stupid.

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