Don’t Say Bojio: Haagen-Dazs Has 1-For-1 Parfaits From 4-8 November

Do you like ice cream?

Excited Drag Race GIF
Image: Giphy

Do you like free things?

Happy Yas GIF
Image: Giphy

What if I told you you could have both?

Excited The Hills GIF
Image: Giphy

That’s right, with Haagen-Dazs’ latest deal you can get a free parfait!

What Is That Oh My God GIF
Image: Giphy

Now, if you’re like me, you probably have no idea what a parfait is, so let me tell you more about this delightful little dessert.

Simi is parfait?

A parfait is a type of frozen dessert in France made by boiling cream, egg, sugar, and syrup to create a custard-like puree. It is often served in a parfait glass and looks like this:

Image: General Mills Convenience and Foodservice

It is sometimes topped with fruits, nuts, and even chocolate chips. Yes, it looks delicious, but I know what you’re thinking: It’s missing a few large scoops of ice cream.

Haagen-Dazs: Fear not, you sweet-toothed greedy little human. We got you covered. 

Don’t Say Bojio: Haagen-Dazs Has 1-For-1 Parfaits From 4-8 November

Putting their own spin on the popular French dessert, Haagen-Dazs has created their own parfaits and is offering a 1-for-1 promotion from 4 to 8th November!

As you can see in the video, these parfaits will have scoops of ice cream with flavours like butterscotch, cookies and cream, strawberry, and many more.

Reader: Wait, 4 November, that’s… that’s today!

It is indeed you gluttonous little munchkin, so get your wallets out and dash to the nearest Haagen-Dazs store now!


  • This promotion is only valid for takeaway.
  • Additional charges for toppings.
  • This promotion cannot be applied together with VIP Privilege or other promotions.

Fun fact: Did you know that 9 out of 10 psychologists recommend ice cream as an effective remedy for the blues? Incidentally, 9 out of 10 Goody Feed writers lie in their articles.

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