For the past week, we’ve been ambushed by heavy rain happening suddenly in the late afternoon.
Well, I’m here to tell you that-
BuffLoad95: It’s going to stop?!
No, it’s going to continue, at least for the next two weeks.
First 2 Weeks of April Will Have More Rain
Singapore’s weather fortunetellers have spoken.

For the first two weeks of April, Singapore and the surrounding region can expect more showers.
Singaporeans can expect more thundery showers in the afternoon on most days during the next two weeks.
On one or two days, the shower might even extend into the evening.
In other words, if you’re (unfortunately) not able to work from home, remember to keep an umbrella in your bag.
But wait, there’s more.
It’s Going To Be Hot Too
You’ll be thinking, at least it’ll be a cool month so I don’t have to switch on aircon all the time when I work at home.

Despite the forecast of many rainy days, the Meteorological Services of Singapore (MSS) says that it’s going to be a hot two weeks with temperatures going as high as 35°C on a few days.
April has always been one of the hottest months in the year with high lightning activity, climatologically speaking, and this year is no different.
In short, the first two weeks of April will be hot and wet. (see what I did there?)

But Is This Really Bad?
Not really, not when you think about it.
After all, don’t forget, we’re in the middle of combating Covid-19 here in Singapore right now.
Most people are probably working from home now, which means a sudden, heavy rain will not affect them anyway.
Plus, with hot weather, even though more fires might start, such as the JB smoke plume, it’ll help to mitigate the hazy problem as well.
And last but not least, what kills viruses? High heat, right? With Singapore being one of the warmest months, viruses will find it hard to survive in the environment here.
Just make sure to ventilate your room or go out for some fresh air from time to time, and not stay indoors with the aircon the entire day if you’re healthy.
Here’s the video of a handsome young man reporting on the weather if you’re in the mood for some eye-candy: