Fitness Instructor Caught Someone Filming Her in the Shower Room at Tai Seng Gym

We know that cases of voyeurism are on the rise in Singapore.

Such events could occur in university halls, where there are dorms and showers. They could also occur in public spaces such as in communal gyms.

For one young lady, her trip to experience a new gym turned into a nightmare as she became a victim of voyeurism while showering.

However, she was not deterred by the traumatizing incident and has taken to social media to speak about her experience.

Here is what happened to Ms Drealya Tan at Strength Masters Gym’s Tai Seng branch.

Fitness Instructor Filmed in the Shower at Strength Masters Gym in Tai Seng

At the end of September, on 29 September 2023, Ms Drealya Tan went through a traumatising experience.

She was filmed in the shower after her gym session at Strength Masters Gym.

The gym in question is located at Tai Seng.

According to Ms Tan, who is a fitness instructor, she was a “victim of voyeurism”.

In a public Instagram post made earlier this week, Ms Tan recounts what happened to her.

She was showering in the female shower room at the gym when she “noticed someone recording me with an iPhone’s front camera”.

Ms Tan screamed for help but “no one came to [her] aid”. She was left feeling “helpless” and “violated”.

Her multiple calls to the gym staff also went unanswered.

Police Were Roped in to Assist

Eventually, Ms Tan mustered up the courage to call the police and the report was made around 7 pm that day.

In her Instagram post, Ms Tan shared pictures of the police outside the gym, lending credibility to her post about her experience.

Ms Tan said that the police “have not provided me with any updates” despite her requests for updates.

Due to this incident, Ms Tan said that she “no longer [feels] safe in Singapore”.

She decided to use her platform to bring the matter to the “attention of the public” as there are likely other victims “who have unknowingly fallen prey to voyeurism”.

Ms Tan’s determination to do so was bolstered by how the gym owner suggested that she resolve the issue “privately without involving the police”.

This was even though the CCTV footage from the gym showed that there were two gym members “lurking outside the female shower room during the time frame” when Ms Tan was showering.

She said that she received an apology from the gym owner later on.

The gym has since refuted Ms Tan’s allegations that she was asked to resolve the issue privately, saying in an Instagram post that it was a “misunderstanding” and that the gym was “working with the police to find the perpetrator”.

In response to The Straits Times’ queries, the gym’s spokesperson also said that this was a “rouge act that had blatant disregard of the rules and regulations”.

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