Husband Insults Wife For Gaining Pregnancy Weight; Loses 40kg & Divorces Him

There are things in a relationship that’s best left unsaid.

“My ex’s birthday is coming up and I’m meeting her for dinner.”

“You know, you’re draining my wallet more than my daily Grab rides. Without promo codes.

And, the dreaded ‘UWU’ words. “You’ve gained weight, haven’t you? You’re so ugly now.”

Unfortunately, one man in South Korea didn’t get the memo and well, let’s just say…

Image: Imgflip

But First, The Beginning

After Park Jee Won, a former yoga/fitness instructor gave birth to her daughter, she fell into postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression is a form of severe clinical depression related to pregnancy and childbirth.

It’s usually the result of physical, behavioural and emotional changes that a mother goes through during and after the pregnancy, and may lead to unhealthy compulsive habits.

And unfortunately, Park Jee Won turned to binge eating to deal with her feelings.

A Huge Growth & A Huge Shock

And just like that, she hit 86kg.

Image: STOMP

Now, you’re wondering, is she a single mum? Where’s her husband at?

He was right beside her. Physically, that is.

Supportive, he is not.

“You’re Getting Unlikeable.”

Her husband, instead of comforting and supporting her at this lowest point in her life, took to dissing her instead.

He told her that she was getting unlikeable.

Credits: Pinterest

That’s like kicking a cute puppy that just lost its food to a stray cat.

But that’s not the finisher.

Park Jee Won loves her family, bad husband included, and decided to go on a weight-loss challenge to “regain her happy family”.

And so, she began a ten-month regime of having 6 small meals a day with lots of workouts.

And she managed to shave 40kg off.

Image: Instagram (@love__lean)
Image: Imgflip

That’s one fine lady.

Unfortunately, Doucheband Didn’t Agree

According to Park Jee Won, her husband’s attitude didn’t turn around.

He reportedly told her that “looking at her” gives him “goosebumps”, and that “she looks awful”.

Image: Imgflip

And so, she decided that if she wants a happier life, the toxic element Hb has to be gone.

She divorced her husband and is now single-handedly raising her daughter.

Image: Instagram (@love__lean)


Image: Instagram (@love__lean)

Now, we don’t know what former Mr Park was thinking; he could be stressed out from work or he could be unhappy with her IG postings.


But one thing for sure, even the most devoted man or woman can be driven off eventually.

So if you’re lucky to be with a lady or guy who adores you, don’t take them for granted or vent at them because they’re there.

After all, the people you hurt the most are those closest to you. 

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