After a brief foray into the three-digit, we are now back in the 2-digits again.

But that’s not the best part.
As of 12pm on 14 Aug 2020, Singapore reports 83 new Covid-19 cases. This brings the total to 55,580.
Foreign workers residing in dormitories make up a vast majority of the cases.
There 4 imported cases who were placed on Stay-Home-Notice (SHN) since their arrival in Singapore.
And there is 0 case in the community. Zero. So far.

More details will be released tonight by the MOH.
More Details On 13 Aug Cases:
On 13 Aug 2020, it was reported that there were 6 imported cases detected.
Two of them are Singaporeans while the remaining four are special pass holders.
One of the Singaporeans, case 55482, came back from the Philippines on 11 Aug 2020.
The other Singaporean, case 55561, returned home from the UAE on 1 Aug.
The four special pass holders are seamen who reached Singapore from India on 8 Aug on a vessel.
They did not disembark from the vessel.
Cases 55555, 55556, 55557 and 55558 subsequently reported symptoms and were tested on the vessel.
When their results came back positive, they were taken to a hospital by ambulance.
MOH also reported 5 new cases in the community, 1 permanent resident and 4 work pass holders.
Four were detected through MOH’s proactive surveillance and screening while one was already on quarantine.
All 5 cases were asymptomatic cases.
Four of the community cases are currently unlinked.
Epidemiological investigations (read: contact tracing) are ongoing for the unlinked cases while all identified close contacts of the cases have been isolated and quarantined.