It’s official: Mark Zuckerberg is no longer the coolest dude on the internet.
It’s now Jack Ma.

Chinese billionaire, founder of Alibaba, and the dude who was rejected 60 million times (okay, that’s an exaggeration) throughout his life.
I mean, he held a rock concert for his retirement party.

Acted in a movie.
And got into the internet headlines for his fight against Covid-19 in Japan.
And now, he’s on the headlines again.
This Time For Donating To The United States
On 14 Mar 2020, CNA reported that Jack Ma has donated 500,000 coronavirus test kits and a million masks to the United States.
He hopes that with his donation, he can help the US to fight against the pandemic.

The US Under Fire
The United States isn’t handling the Covid-19 situation well and many people who wanted to check if they have the coronavirus aren’t able to do so.
Most were told that they don’t fit the criteria set by the various health authorities.
President Donald Trump has declared a state of national emergency in response to the pandemic and said “no expenses will be spared” to combat the coronavirus.
Which sounds great except the US is suffering from a lack of test kits.
They had rejected a test approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and wanted to use their own instead.
Unfortunately, they met with manufacturing defects in the initial CDC tests. The director of the CDC in the US admits that the country has “underinvested” in the public health labs.
“There’s not enough equipment, there’s not enough people, there’s not enough internal capacity.”
Make Love, Not War
As PM Lee has said, the Covid-19 isn’t a virus that a country can battle alone, nor is it “someone else’s” problem.
Jack Ma didn’t just donate to the US and Japan.
He had also provided “similar supplies” to countries like South Korea, Italy, Iran and Spain.
The Covid-19 pandemic we face today, he says, can “no longer be resolved by any individual country”.
And unless the world gets rid of the boundaries to resources between countries and shares knowledge, we’ll never win against the virus.

You got to admit, compared to other people who have been saying the same things, Jack Ma’s words sound more convincing.
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After all, you have to remember that China and the United States has been embroiled in a long and bitter trade war for quite some time.
Yet at this crucial moment, a Chinese billionaire, one who’s affected by the US’s trade restrictions, came out to offer a helping hand.

Aww, it’s like a Romeo & Juliet story. Two people from opposing sides, except one is more like Ursala than the little mermaid.
“Let’s All Be Jack Ma”
If you’ve seen recent Covid-19 news, you’d know that Indonesians are coming to Singapore, possibly because they want to check if they have Covid-19 or not.
And most Singaporeans are probably hating on them, thinking, why are you adding to my problem?
True, Singapore’s resources are finite.
And true, we don’t want possibly infected people coming into Singapore and bringing even more Covid-19.
But let’s leave it to the government to decide since only they know how much they have in the chequebooks.
There’s one thing you can be sure of, though: the moment they feel that Indonesian coming here is something intolerable, they’ll immediately place restrictions against them.
After all, they’ve mercilessly decided to cut off free treatments for foreigners when they felt that it might be abused.
And it’s not just in terms of money, health hazards are considered too. Singapore residents health = money for the government, remember?
Meanwhile, what we can do is to be kinder to our Indonesian friends online because like they say, everyone has feelings.
Let’s all be Jack Ma today, shall we?