Man Claims That His Unborn Child Dies Due to NUH’s Delay in Attending to His Pregnant Wife

A man has posted on Facebook, claiming that his unborn child has died due to the National University Hospital (NUH)’s delay in attending to his wife.

Here’s what happened.

Bleeding Profusely from Birth Canal, Conveyed to NUH A&E

On 15 March at around 9:30pm, his 36-weeks pregnant wife started bleeding profusely from the birth canal while bathing.

He called 995 immediately, and paramedics arrived within 10 minutes. They attended to his wife and sent her to NUH’s Accident & Emergency (A&E) department immediately, and she arrived there at about 10:30pm.

A&E Left Bleeding Wife Unattended for 2 Hours

When they arrived at the A&E, paramedics told the nurse on duty about his wife’s condition, who was still bleeding then. The nurse merely set up the monitoring device for his wife’s vitals, and left her waiting there for two hours before sending her to the maternity ward.

First of all, losing excessive blood is already life-threatening even if the person wasn’t pregnant. Bleeding profusely from the birth canal seems like something that would warrant immediate attention, instead of leaving her unattended for two hours.

Secondly, if the issue was that there’s no bed in the maternity ward, why didn’t anyone at least inform the couple about it? The husband received a text saying he will be receiving patient updates at 10:38pm. However, there were no updates till 12:48am, when his wife was being wheeled to the maternity ward.

Unborn Child Passed Away

Upon reaching the maternity ward, the doctors and nurses there attended to his wife immediately.

However, upon checking, the doctors told his wife that the baby’s heart structure was there, but had no heartbeat. The baby has passed away.

Although it wasn’t confirmed whether it was really the time-lapse that caused his baby’s death, the husband said that he felt that his baby could have been saved if they were attended to promptly.

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Netizens Reactions: Should Have Went to KKH?

Many Facebook users commented their condolences to the family for their loss.

Some comments also said that perhaps the couple should have chosen to go to KK, referring to the KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, as they have expertise in such emergencies.

Others also advised the husband to launch an investigation through the Singapore Medical Council or to seek legal counsel, so that this doesn’t happen again.

You can read the full post here:

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Featured Image: Facebook (Mee Pok Tan)

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