Man Isolated Due to Coronavirus Trained for Marathon by Running 50 km Around his Table

It’s common knowledge that when backed into a corner, we humans will think of almost anything in order to survive.

With the Wuhan virus in full swing, this is no exception.

There are currently over 31,000 confirmed cases and over 600 deaths all over the world so you know the situation is serious.

We humans have got to survive.

Whatever the outcome, we will not let the novel coronavirus interfere with our daily lives, our goals or our ambitions.

This man will be your inspiration:

Man Isolated Due to Coronavirus Trained for Marathon by Running 50 km Around his Table

This man here is truly an inspiration to us all. He made the most of a bad situation, improvised and came out stronger.

The Chinese government has given strict instructions to ensure that the public stays indoors to try to prevent further spread of the deadly novel coronavirus.

But what happens to all the runners who love to lace up their running shoes and venture out into the great unknown?

Do they just give up and stop running altogether only to find that they end up with the stamina of a dying chicken?

Not this man.

A Chinese marathon runner from Hangzhou shared how he ran 50km in his apartment flat by running round and round and round his two massage tables in his room.

Image: Imgflip

The Chinese marathon runner by the name of Pan Shancu is also a Chinese medicine health therapist.

He had had enough of being cooped up at home for such a long time that according to South China Morning Post, he decided to run 6,250 rounds around his room.

Image: South China Morning Post

Pan wrote on Chinese social media site Weibo, “I have not been outside for many days, today I cannot bear sitting down any more! Let’s run laps around the two massage tables in the room, then! Yes, one lap is about 8m – I ran 50km, did it in 4:48:44, sweated all over, feels great!”

Image: South China Morning Post

Doesn’t this man get dizzy?

The post has since gone viral and garnered as many as 26,000 reads.

But it seems that he isn’t the only genius indoor runner.

At least one other netizen said, “I thought it was just me doing this crazy indoor running.”

Another netizen said, “I did a 5.2km run yesterday in a 20m long loop. I managed to not get dizzy but the dog was barking like crazy for 40 minutes.”

Hmm, would you resort to such a customised.. training regiment if you were cooped up at home because of the virus too?

And also, can someone buy this poor man a treadmill?

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