Man Who Had Bak Kut Teh While on SHN Issued with a Warning; Hid or Removed All Posts About Trip

If you’re not aware, a bowl of bak kut teh has led someone into hot soup.

The BKT lover had just come back from Myanmar, and he allegedly didn’t know that the Stay-Home Notice would start immediately so he went out to buy some groceries and had his dinner.

To do that, he’d have to take a bus.

Image: gifpy

But the best part of the story is that he even took an image of his delicious bak kut teh and posted it online for others to see, because if it’s not online, it never happened.

The rest is history.

So, given that he could have potentially caused a cluster, would his punishment be to be drowned in bak kut teh for the rest of his life?

Issued with Warning

According to, ICA has found the guy.

And his punishment? A warning.

Now, we won’t know whether that’s the only punishment so far since everything’s moving so far—maybe he’ll still be drowned in BKT we don’t know.

However, ICA has harsh words for him: if he does it again, they’ll take strong enforcement actions against him.

And the penalty is rather serious: if he’s prosecuted under Section 21A of the Infectious Diseases Act, he’ll face a fine of up to $10,000, or up to six months’ imprisonment, or both.

Imagine how many bowls of bak kut teh you can have with $10,000.

Man’s Facebook Profile Now Completely Different

With us being the first media outlet to break the story because his friends most probably hated him and liked us (the latter is highly unlikely), I’ve the chance to spend hours stalking the person’s Facebook account early on before it all went viral.

He’s a freelance photographer and according to a source, he does have a full-time job, too. His profile used to comprise numerous images of his trip in Myanmar—from food to places to whatnot. I’m sure he’s not humblebragging but merely sharing his experiences because we all want know what places to go in Myanmar, too.

But now, all traces of his trip had disappeared.

Either he set it to private for merely his “friends” or he had deleted them altogether.

Yesterday, he had told The Straits Times that he has received “countless nasty messages”, and said, “I’ve been feeling very bothered by the messages.”

The bak kut teh better be worth this hot soup.

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