Man Who Had Close Contact with Donald Trump Tested Positive for COVID-19

This would make an epic headline: “The Most Powerful Man in the World Has COVID-19”

But no, not yet, though there is a possibility that we’d be seeing that headline, because the most powerful man in the world just had close contact with someone who has COVID-19.

Here’s what happened.

Man Who Had Close Contact with Donald Trump Tested Positive for COVID-19

We all know Trump, and we all know he meets a lot of people. And also, if you’ve been following the news, he also mentioned that he takes photos with many people and didn’t know whom he has taken photos with.

But anyways.

Five days ago, Fabio Wajngarten, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s press secretary, was in the US and had dinner with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

And Fabio was tested positive for COVID-19 yesterday night.

The Brazilian President was also in the US, and his health is “being monitored”.

But everyone’s attention is of course on Donald Trump. Not only did they had dinner together, Fabio also posted an image of them taking a picture together on Instagram:

Here, I’d circle him to show you how close he is to the man with the nuclear codes:

In addition, Vice-President Mike Pence, who’s heading the task force to fight the outbreak in the US, is also present.

Two people told CNN that Trump was “in close physical proximity with” Wajngarten.

So what’s the White House’s response?

White House’s Statement: No Testing Required

Lest you’re naive to think that the White House is merely a house that’s painted in white, here’s what the White House means: it usually refers to the President of the United States, as he’s the head of the White House.

The White House has responded, saying, “Both the President and Vice President had almost no interactions with the individual who tested positive and do not require being tested at this time.

“The White House Medical Unit and the United States Secret Service has been working closely with various agencies to ensure every precaution is taken to keep the First & Second Families, and all White House staff healthy.”

In other words, Trump and Pence aren’t going to get tested and they’ll continue to lead their lives as per usual.

So we might not see the epic headline after all. I mean, reading that a top politician being infected is almost unheard—

Canadian PM’s Wife Tested Positive for COVID-19; PM to Isolate Himself

Oh. I guess the virus really doesn’t give a f*** who it infected.

As of time of writing, Brazil has 77 confirmed cases.

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