During this time where most of us are hiding in the safety of our homes in view of the COVID-19 situation getting worse, a lot of frontline workers are battling against COVID-19 for their patients’ sake, for our sake, and we sometimes forget to show our appreciation towards them.
Thankfully, McDonald’s is here to show them some appreciation.
They’ve taken it to their official Facebook page to thank all the healthcare heroes who work in hospitals for their efforts and selflessness.
Free Coffee/Tea For Singapore’s Healthcare Workers
As a gesture of McDonald’s goodwill, they’ve announced that all healthcare workers will be entitled to a free cup of coffee/latte/cappuccino/tea on them!
There is no minimum spending required, and these staff members can simply head down to any McDonald’s outlet in Singapore in their uniform or just flash their hospital pass to redeem their free drink.
Heartwarming & Touching
Many netizens have commented on how touching this gesture was.
A few healthcare workers even thanked McDonald’s and attached photos of the redeemed beverages of their choice.

Others also asked if this offer was extended to other healthcare personnel, like the staff in General Practitioner (GP) clinics, Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) paramedics, and polyclinic staff.

While there hasn’t been an official reply from McDonald’s, it will only be fair if these staff members also get the chance to redeem a drink.
After all, they are also on the frontline and are possibly the first people to come into contact with those infected by COVID-19 before referring them to bigger hospitals.

Nevertheless, this is definitely a very thoughtful gesture by McDonald’s and just like them, we should try to show our appreciation towards these healthcare heroes more.
They are risking their lives for us and the least we could do is to say “thank you” instead of shunning them on buses and trains.