Movie Theatre Evacuated After Wrongly Receiving Box Of Highly-Contagious Urine

What’s the scariest thing to see at a movie?

Sadako climbing out of the screen?

Image: Giphy

Valak charging at you?

Image: Gifimage

Or how about a box of highly contagious urine?

Wait, what?

Highly Contagious Substance Sent To Movie Theatre

Imagine you’re enjoying a movie at the theatre one fine Friday night.

Maybe it’s Frozen 2 because you want to see Elsa let it go again.

All of a sudden, you’re asked to evacuate the theatre and the streets nearby are closed off as well.

And all of this was due to a box of highly contagious human substance was shipped to the theatre by mistake.

Sounds like the plot of a zombie outbreak film, right?

Image: TIME

Taking the necessary precautions, the Eastside Fire & Rescue hazmat-suited up.

They isolated the box and also treated one patient as a precaution, probably due to contact with the box.

So now everyone has one question on their mind.

Image: Tenor

Highly contagious human substance? What could it be?

Human blood containing a deadly fast-spreading pathogen that infects your brain and turns you into a ravenous and ferocious beast driven by the sole instinct to attack and further spread said virus?

It’s Just Pee

Wait, what?

Image: KnowYourMeme

A box of urine? Where did it come from?

Did Elsa let it go a bit too much and stored it in a box? Who knows?

However, one thing was for sure – it was safe.

They disposed of the box and cleared for the theatre to reopen, and they managed to continue showing Frozen 2 on Saturday (30 November).

Ask Elsa to control a bit more next time.

The moviegoers must have been pissed.

Eh? See what I did there? Piss?

Official Response

The theatre manager said that he was told it could be “anything from a benign urine sample to highly infectious biowaste”, and treated it like the latter to be safe.

The package was mislabelled and leaking an unknown liquid, so you really can’t blame them for their reactions.

Also, according to Captain Steve Johnson, the spokesperson for Eastside Fire & Rescue, it turns out that the package was meant for a medical clinic in Tacoma about 45 miles (~72.4km) away.


Currently, no one knows how the hell it ended up at the theatre instead.

But whoever screwed up and caused all of this – urine trouble.

Image: Tenor

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