Some of you have been working from home so long you’ve probably forgotten what MRT stations and trains look like.
But a few are still taking public transport because they either work in essential services or are going out to exercise or buy food.

And if you’re one of those people, you’ll now have to keep a distance from your fellow commuters.
MRT Trains Now Have Safe Distancing Measures & Only Limited No. Of People Can Enter
As an additional safe distancing measure, all trains, train stations, buses, bus-stops, and interchanges will be progressively marked with safe-distancing stickers, said the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on Thursday (9 April).
So not only will you have to keep a distance from your fellow Singaporeans while you’re queuing up to buy some Cai Png, you’ll also have to do it on public transport now.
Standing spaces and seats that should be avoided will be marked out, just like seats at hawker centres.

Reader: How am I supposed to keep a distance from other commuters when MRT train rides are usually like one big group hug?
Well, with many more people staying at home, trains and buses will likely be less crowded.
Plus, transport ambassadors and bus captains, together with LTA’s enforcement officers, will limit the number of passengers entering train stations and buses.
Fun fact: Many of these transport ambassadors are former taxi-drivers and aviation crew
So, if the train or bus has too many people, you might have to wait for the next one. But it’s a small price to pay to avoid contracting Covid-19, right?
Youngster: Uh, I’d rather risk it so I can meet my friends earlier, actually
Of course you would.
Thermal scanners at MRT stations
According to The Straits Times, thermal scanners will also be deployed at selected MRT stations as an additional precautionary measure.
So, if you’re detected to have a fever, you will not be allowed to enter, and will be asked to seek medical attention at the nearest clinic immediately.
Officer: Sir, you’re really hot
Commuter: *blushes* Well, thank you. I exercised at a park last week
Officer: No, I’m serious. You’re so hot it’s dangerous for other people to be around you
Commuter: Keep talking and I’ll let you buy me a drink at the-
The first stations to have scanners will be Serangoon and Tiong Bahru.
Just because these measures are in place doesn’t mean we should all start heading out again, of course.
LTA reminded everyone to be “socially responsible” and to stay at home as much as possible.
“Those who need to travel for essential purposes should put on a reusable face mask… and refrain from crowding”, they said.
But if you really have to go out for an essential trip, then please follow these new safe distancing measures and the instructions given by transport ambassadors and LTA enforcement officers.
We had a record-high 142 new Covid-19 cases yesterday, 72 of which are unlinked, so we definitely need to be more cautious about leaving our homes as the number of coronavirus cases is still increasing.