You probably didn’t expect that today, when you wake up in the morning, the most important question you’d have is:
Should I go to NTUC after work tonight?
After Malaysia’s surprising announcement of a lockdown that takes effect from 18 Mar 2020 (which is tomorrow, by the way), Singaporeans started swarming supermarkets immediately.

Minister Chan Chun Sing came out to reassure Singaporeans that Singapore can survive even if supply is disrupted.
He even revealed, for the first time ever, an estimated stockpile of food that Singapore is holding which can survive several months of lockdown.
But Singaporeans are still worried.
Enter PM Lee Hsien Loong
Or, as people in our office call him, The Man Who Couldn’t Be Moved.
He has a proven track record of coming in and reassuring Singaporeans with just the sight of him in his iconic pink shirts.
When he came out and talked to Singaporeans about the Covid-19 situation, even overseas people felt reassured by his speech.
And all of a sudden, it feels like everything’s going to be sunshine and rainbows again.

That was before the whole Malaysia lockdown thingy lah.
Well, he has done it again, this time in a Facebook post.
Supply Between Malaysia & S’pore Will Not Be Disrupted
On 17 Mar 2020, PM Lee Hsien Loong uploaded a reassuring Facebook post.
He said that he had spoken with Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin over the phone and confirmed that despite the lockdown, the flow of goods and cargo, including food supplies, between Singapore and Malaysia will not be disrupted.
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M’sians Coming Into S’pore For Work Or Study Has To Comply With The Lockdown
However, people who cross the checkpoint daily for work or study will have to comply with the Malaysian lockdown, he added.
Currently, the government is trying to help companies who employ Malaysian workers source for temporary lodgings in Singapore for anyone who wants them.
Unfortunately, the government has to prioritise companies which provide essential services to Singapore.
Meanwhile, employers are asked to encourage their workers to stay with relatives, friends or colleagues in Singapore while waiting out the lockdown.
Will Things Change?
We have no idea. However, as our illustrious writer GY says, the situation is really fluid.
PM Lee mentioned that SM Teo Chee Hean and Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri are appointed to work together to “coordinate responses to the Covid-19 outbreak”.
Particularly in “areas where the actions of one country will affect the other”.
He added that it might take “a couple of days” for them to work things out and settle down.
Don’t Hoard, Please
He ended off his post with an appreciative note for Singaporeans who managed to stay calm and united in the face of adversity.
He added that Singapore is well-prepared for any eventuality and hope that Singaporeans will not hoard items and deprive others who might need them more.
All in all, I guess your question is answered:
No, you don’t have to go NTUC FairPrice tonight unless you have things you really need to buy.
You can read his full reassuring post below: