NEA’s List of Cleaning Products That Are Effective Against Wuhan Virus

The Wuhan coronavirus situation in Singapore took a turn for the worst when Singapore raised the DORSCON level to orange.

Singaporeans started raiding supermarkets as though their lives depend on it.

And people are probably disinfecting their own homes from time to time.

But like my fellow writer, BuffLord95 always likes to say, “not all men are created equal. Some are ugly like you while others are handsome like me.”

The same goes for cleaning products.

With the Wuhan coronavirus getting increasingly effective at entering our communities, exactly what products are effective at kicking them away?

Mr Muscle, the dude in orange tights? Or Dettol, the handwash seems so magical on TV?

Wonder no more because NEA is here to tell you all about it.

NEA Lists Down Cleaning Products That Are Effective Against The Wuhan Virus

On 4 Feb 2020, the National Environment Agency (NEA) listed down the cleaning products which are useful against the coronavirus.

Here they are:

Image: NEA

Yes, Mr Muscle and Dettol are included in the list.

Active Ingredients Required

Don’t really want to switch your cleaning products because you’ve either:

  • Bought them recently or
  • Love them too much?

You might not have to change them out.

They provided a list of active ingredients and the concentration which will work against the coronavirus.

Image: NEA

No matter whether you are looking to buy new products or keep the old ones, look at the labels before making a decision.

Water & Detergent Usually Enough

For general precautionary cleaning, detergent and water are enough.

It’s only if you have to disinfect areas that are likely to be contaminated with the coronavirus that you have to use the products recommended in the first table (list of products).

These lists will be updated so make sure to visit here from time to time.

Other Guidelines

In a separate guideline, NEA also asks that if your home is possibly exposed to the Wuhan coronavirus, to mop the floor twice with disinfectant.

Also, buy a hand sanitizer (if you still can since they’re getting snatched off the shelves) and use them from time to time.

The best way to safeguard yourself, though, is through frequent handwashing with soap.

It’s best to scrub your hands for 20 seconds before washing the soap off.

Stay safe and do bookmark MOH’s website for daily updates on the Wuhan coronavirus in Singapore.

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