The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our lives in many ways.
We’re no longer allowed to celebrate our birthdays with huge groups of friends.
Even if we stay just 10 minutes away from our partners, we’ll have to adjust to seeing each other through a screen.
And even in death, our lives are changed beyond recognition.
People Relate How Funerals During Circuit Breaker Period Have Made Even Grieving Difficult
On 20 Apr 2020, TNP ran an editorial on how a funeral process went during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Instead of a normal three- or five-day wake, families are forced to hold a two-day wake, and the body will be cremated immediately on the third day.
At the wake, no tables and chairs are provided for people to sit together and reminiscence the “good old days” because no more than 10 people are allowed to be at the wake at any one time.
Everyone has to wear a mask as well.
Because people are encouraged not to loiter for too long, food was not ordered in too.
Forms Were Filled, People Were Questioned
Instead of being allowed to mourn properly, the family had to keep counting the number of people at the wake to ensure that no more than 10 people are there.
Forms have to be provided for mourners for contact tracing purposes and there’s a column where you have to fill in your temperature.
After the cremation, families normally get together to have a meal where mourners are able to find some measure of comfort.
But during this period, they’re robbed of even that as well since restaurants do not allow dining-in anymore and people are not supposed to visit each other’s homes.
An Uncomfortable Time For Everybody
The writer who wrote the article also related how the family of the deceased had to be vague in the obituary so that people will be dissuaded from coming.
They also had to tell close friends and family members with elderly parents not to come for the wake.
They say that the sign of how well a person lived his life is how full the wake, whether it be at the church or void deck, is.
And to see an empty wake is possibly one of the worst feelings a family could get during a funeral.
“It was a sombre ceremony made worse by the sight of seeing the empty church.”
Which Is Why Covid-19 Must Be Beaten Soon
The writer, however, didn’t blame the government for the restrictions.
Instead, they want others not to go through the same thing.
And in order for that to happen, everybody must adhere to the safe distancing measures put into place so that community transmission can be wiped out as soon as possible.

You can read the full emotional article here.