COVID-19 has certainly brought about a lot of fear, anxiety and panic among Singaporeans.
However, this is one group of people who might be panicking slightly more than others, and they are…

This is because of the speculation that animals and pets can contract and spread the coronavirus, which puts their owners at risk of getting it as well.
If you have a pet and you’re freaking out about the possibility of your dog infecting you, this article is here to tell you to calm down and stop worrying.
There is no need to give your dog away.
Yes, go on and take that sigh of relief.

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SPCA Assures Pet-Owners That They Are Safe
In case you don’t believe me, an expert on the topic has come forward to assure all pet-owners that there is currently no evidence that pets can spread Covid-19.
The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Singapore took to their Facebook page to address some queries that they had gotten from concerned pet-owners.
A few of them had asked if it was necessary to “surrender their pets to protect themselves”.
The answer is no, as there is no research that can prove the possibility of an animal to human spread of the coronavirus.
“The primary mode of transmission of the virus remains human to human. You are no safer from the virus if you surrender your pet,” wrote SPCA in a Facebook post titled “COVID-19 ADVISORY FOR PETS”.
Instead, they advised people to continue to practise good hygiene and to always wash their hands before and after interacting with their pets.
“Keep your pets healthy by taking them to the vet for regular health check-ups, ensuring they are up to date with vaccinations and other preventives such as flea/tick control, are on a nutritious diet and that they receive plenty of appropriate social interaction and mental stimulation,” SPCA added.
They also said that they are keeping an eye on the situation and is keeping themselves up to date with information from health authorities.
So there’s that. As long as you follow their advice, you should be safe.
Dog In Hong Kong Tested Positive for Covid-19
Concerns of animal to human transmissions were raised when a Pomeranian in Hong Kong tested positive for the virus after its owner was infected.
This led Hong Kong authorities to warn people against kissing their pets, although the dog, in this case, did only test a “weak positive” and it was more likely to be a case of human to animal transmission, and not vice-versa.
“The dog from the case in Hong Kong, if the animal is indeed infected, likely picked up the virus from his or her human companion, and the animal also did not display any signs of the disease,” said SPCA.
WHO Says Virus Can’t Be Spread by Dogs Or Mosquitoes
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has also come forward to say that there is no evidence that dogs can spread the virus, and thus owners should not abandon or neglect them.
A while ago, another concern regarding the coronavirus was whether or not it could be transmitted by mosquito bites.
WHO has also addressed this myth on their website, and assured everyone that it, in fact, cannot be spread by mosquitoes.

So, relax, there is really no reason for you to stay away from your pets or any animal for that matter, in fear of contracting the virus.
Instead, all you need to do is make sure that you take care of your own health and practise good hygiene. See a doctor and stay home if you’re feeling sick.
Look after your pets as well, and most importantly: do not abandon them!