Unvaccinated People Who Had COVID-19 More Likely to Develop Heart Problems After a Year

Are you vaccinated against COVID-19? Or are you a non-believer of vaccinations who thinks natural healing is the best?

We have bad news for you if you didn’t take your COVID-19 vaccination as the government requested.

You may be at a higher risk of developing heart problems after contracting COVID-19 than those who took the vaccination.

Here is more about the study in Singapore, which suggests that non-vaccinated people are more likely to suffer from heart problems after contracting COVID-19.

Unvaccinated People May Be More Likely to Suffer From Heart Disease After Contracting COVID-19

Here’s a piece of breaking news based on the findings of an extensive study conducted by the National University of Technology (NTU).

Unvaccinated people who recover from COVID-19 may be at greater risk of suffering from heart disease a year later compared to those who are vaccinated.

The risk is 56% higher without vaccination.

COVID-19 survivors with vaccinations had only an 11% increased risk of heart complications compared with uninfected individuals.

The risk was the same for COVID-19 survivors with boosters as those who were not infected with COVID-19.

For those wondering, the NTU study surveyed nearly 1.8 million in total.

About 1.7 million people who were not known to have contracted COVID-19 were part of the study. The remaining 100K odd people had been diagnosed with COVID-19 in 2021.

The dominant virus strain at that time was the Delta variant.

In this comprehensive study, both groups of people were tracked for about 300 days in total before the findings were made and conclusions drawn.

NTU’s latest study on COVID-19 was eventually published in Clinical Infectious Diseases this September.

As the “first and largest to examine the risk of long COVID-19 in a highly vaccinated, multi-ethnic Southeast Asian population”, this study by our local university is sure to set standards for similar studies in the future.

So, apart from it being riskier not to have been vaccinated, what is the key takeaway here?

In short, it is to get vaccinated and take your boosters to maximise COVID-19 protection.

After all, you never know when COVID-19 is launching an unwanted comeback.

We all thought it was mostly gone until our Health Minister announced recently to expect a new wave of COVID-19.

According to the researchers, as reported by Channel News Asia, it is important to be vaccinated and boosted as the study’s findings show it can “attenuate potential complications of long COVID”.

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