
With a global shortage of masks, it’s not just healthcare workers who are in trouble.

Other patients who need masks to survive are also unable to get them.

Cancer Patient Unable To Get Mask 

Redditor u/mellowminister took to the platform to share about the difficulty in getting masks for his father who is undergoing chemotherapy.

Three weeks ago, he raised up the issue of not being able to get masks at the hospital.

And now, after three weeks, the family is still not able to find any legitimate sources (for masks).

If the situation continues, his father will be unable to get a mask and protect himself from viruses when he goes to the hospital for his treatment.

Chemotherapy weakens’ the patient’s immune system and chemo patients have to wear masks to prevent infections as it could be life-threatening.

Scammed While Trying To Get Masks

His sibling allegedly went out to source for masks for the father but was scammed instead.

He bought fake 2-ply masks at “exorbitant prices”.

The redditor had searched through every single thrift store and drugstores when he passes them by to no avail.

He added that someone they knew gave his father some “medical grade” masks which turns out to be non-3 ply ones that can be “seen through easily”.

Singaporeans Rally To Donate Their Own Masks

Heartwarmingly, Redditors in the thread immediately offer their own limited supply of masks to him.

Image: Reddit

Some even ask him to approach his official channels for help.

Image: Reddit

A netizen gave him the ‘recipe’ to make his own masks.

Image: Reddit

Thank You, Everybody

Instead of taking other people’s equally limited supply of masks, the Redditor thanked everyone for their kind gesture and politely declined the offers.

The family’s masks can last for another two weeks, he said, and they hope not to take anybody else’s masks if possible.

Hopefully, in another two weeks time, supply will resume and they can get some of their own again.

Image: Giphy

Though I’m 99% sure kiasu people will still hoard them, which brings me to the next point:

Don’t Hoard Masks, Please

Wearing the mask isn’t the number one prevention tool against Covid-19. Washing your hands with soap is.

And to hoard mask, most only do it for two reasons:

Neither of which are good enough reasons to risk someone else’s life, don’t you think?

With lesser people hoarding masks, we can make the lives of cancer patients, as well as other vulnerable group’s, lives better.

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