In today’s world, it’s not uncommon to find strangers hitting you up, especially since online dating has been a thing for quite a while now.
Of course, whether or not they will get a reply is another story.
Most of them who don’t will probably take it in their stride, recognise that the party that they are interested in isn’t interested in them, and will move on to talk to someone else. But obviously, there is still a group of people who don’t seem to get the memo. And instead of backing off, they insult the party because they cannot take the rejection.
Kinda sounds like a #niceguy to me.
One example would be this Malaysian man who direct-messaged this lady on LinkedIn.
Of all places to hit on someone, he chooses a professional networking portal. Interesting.
The Start Of His Direct Messages
A Twitter user by the name of Aqif (@dodorent) recently shared a series of screenshots and told a story of how a man harassed his girlfriend on LinkedIn and proceeded to slut-shame her after she didn’t reply to his messages.
Hai guys siapa yang ada linkedin tolong report this guy, suka hati je nak label my gf pelacur sbb tak respond to his message, this hamsap guy is on the loose. Pls help a brother out by spreading this tweet. Thx ?
— Aqif (@dodorent) December 11, 2019
His post translates to:
“Hi guys! Those who have LinkedIn, please report this guy. He had the audacity to label my girlfriend a prostitute for not responding to his message. This horny guy is on the loose. Please help a brother out by spreading this tweet. Thanks.”
The man started out by sending his mobile phone number and asked her to contact him through Whatsapp.

Seeing this, Aqif’s girlfriend ignored them.
I thought any person would be able to see this as a sign of the other party not being interested in talking, but I guess not.
The #niceguy Kind Of Reply
The man continues to harass her by upgrading his LinkedIn account until he decides that he’s had enough and proceeds to call her out for being “arrogant”.
Unable to take this any longer, Aqif’s girlfriend claps back by saying “Yes, I am (arrogant). I don’t even know you. So, bye.”
He just couldn’t let it go, or rather, his pride wouldn’t let him get scolded like that, so he felt the need to respond with a long paragraph insulting her.
He said, “I also don’t know you. But you are the girl who’s doing sales. A cheap girl as your brown baju kurung makes you look like a prostitute. Stop thinking that you have a good career. You can’t even generate leads.”
Clearly, anyone who sees something like this would be annoyed and confused, and some may either ignore him or write back a paragraph scolding him. But of course, that will lead to nowhere, and Aqif’s girlfriend had a better response in mind.

“What a bitter fatty.”

I don’t understand why he had to make such comments about her clothing, and why he thinks it’s appropriate to harass someone like that.
With that said, hopefully, the man learns from this and understands that women will not take such harassment.
And we will clapback.