
While the rest of us Singaporeans are trying to be hygienic af by hoarding surgical masks, carrying around hand sanitizers and staring distrustfully at lift buttons, others are not giving a s***.

In fact, some individuals thought it would be funny to make a joke out of the entire situation and ‘spread Wuhan’ by drinking from juice bottles in FairPrice before putting it back on the shelves.

Wuhan Virus: “Do I look like a joke to you?!”

Image: Giphy

The worst part? They filmed the entire act and shared it on social media, which is exactly why you’re now reading about it.

Well tough luck boys, because now the Singapore Police Force (SPF) is coming to get you:

SPF Now Looking for Youth Who Filmed Himself Drinking a Beverage & Putting it Back

A controversial video has been going around on social media after it was first posted on an Instagram story and subsequently reposted on Twitter.

Now, the police are asking the public for more information regarding the video.

In it, a young man donning a white shirt is seen drinking from a juice bottle that he took off the supermarket shelf, before placing it back on the shelf.

Another male who is recording the video asks how the drink tastes.

Image: Twitter

To make matters worse, the video was captioned with the words “how to spread Wuhan”, most probably referring to the Wuhan virus outbreak.

Funnily, a staff walks by behind them oblivious to what was happening. The young men didn’t seem to be fazed by her presence either.

Despite that, they have since claimed to have paid for the drinks and explained that the video was just a joke.

Image: Twitter

Apology Not Enough For FairPrice & SPF

Unfortunately, NTUC FairPrice were not quite as accepting of the apology.

In a Facebook post, they acknowledged that an apology has been made and that the boys had already paid for the drinks.

However, they take the matter “very seriously” since it “caused unnecessary public alarm”.

“We will be working with the authorities on the necessary actions that need to be taken for this case. In the meantime, we ask that the public refrain from forwarding this video to avoid any further public distress.”

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