
Steamboat is easy to prepare, making it an appealing choice when having a party at home. There are lots of different broths to suit our tastes, which is why I’ll be introducing 10 of them for you.

The next time when you have no idea what to prepare for a steamboat party, you might want to pick your favourite from the list below!

1. Chicken Steamboat Broth


Chicken broth is definitely a traditional favourite that will be very familiar. You can add in some wolfberries and angelica root if you’re going for a more herbal taste. Yum.

2. Vegetarian Steamboat Broth


The next one on the list is, of course, suitable for our vegetarians. For this broth, the main ingredients are starchy tubers (different from, erm, YouTubers), which are simmered to extract their natural sweetness and flavour. Sweet!

3. Laksa Steamboat Broth 


A spicy steamboat soup base that is comfortingly Singaporean, this Laksa steamboat broth can save your time and energy thanks to readily available pre-packaged laksa paste. You just need to include mushroom and tau pok to go with this steamboat soup and it can be ready to serve!

If you have foreigner friends, this is one good way to introduce our local food, too!

4. Mala Steamboat Soup


There are lots of instant mala soup base around. However, the most renowned one is the famous Hai Di Lao. For those who shun at the idea of joining long queues waiting at Hai Di Lao, you can choose to have it in the comfort of your house instead. Of course, the instant ones don’t taste the same, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers, right?

Plus, Hai Di Lao is now selling their popular steamboat broth seasoning in supermarkets.

5. Tonkotsu Hotpot (Pork Bone Broth)


Ah, pork bone broth. This can not only make a soup base, but also a very tasty bowl of noodles! Although the broth doesn’t appear to be as creamy as the ones in Ramen shop, it’s still good enough as an instant tonkotsu broth.

6. Tom Yum Steamboat Soup


If your steamboat ingredients are mainly seafood, this would be a good option for you. Especially when your party consists of people who just love tom yum, say no more and prepare a tom yum based broth!

Also, when you’re buying the instant broth, do note the spicy level: most aren’t that spicy, and if it’s one that can burn your tongue, it’ll be indicated on the packaging.

7. Kimchi Steamboat Soup 


Ooh, things are getting a little spicy in here. This Korean-style steamboat soup gets its flavour mainly from kimchi and gochujang, while anchovies and soy sauce add umami. Completely different from those you get from instant noodles!

8. Fish-Head-Steamboat Style 


If you’re craving for fish, a fish-head steamboat style will satisfy your cravings. You can prepare it with more ingredients, making it into your own style. Although it won’t taste exactly like the stalls outside, it sure will have an abundance of ingredients.

9. Ba Kut Teh Soup


Regardless if you prefer a more peppery or herbal taste, this soup base is still greatly loved by both adults and kids. Furthermore, it is known to improve overall health, perfect for a family reunion dinner!

And in case you’re wondering if supermarket sells these instant broths…yes, they do. They just don’t come in powder form.

10. Satay Sauce Steamboat Soup 


Craving for something else other than the usual steamboat soup base? Here’s a crunchy and unique alternative. Inspired by Malay cuisine, this satay sauce soup base goes great with meat and fish. Skewer the steamboat ingredients and everyone will be dipping in!

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