
Tinder could be a pretty hard game to play, depending on your qualifications and prowess in the looks department.

And that’s especially so for guys, because reality is:

Girls have it easier on Tinder.

Now, before you accuse me of blasphemy against the female religion…

Image: Imgflip

Just sit through till the end of this article before you dish out your thoughts.

For all you know, you might just hop into my camp. Just saying.

Gender Change

Gender-changing apps have been all the rage of late, with entire news feeds spammed with ‘transgender’ men and women. Incidentally, you can check out the article we did on the topic here.

Well, as it turns out, the writers over at Unilad are no different, with one dude using Faceapp to become a practical woman.

Image: Unilad

The dude then called himself “a bit of a smoke-show as a woman”, and as much as I hate to admit it I kinda agree with him. 

After receiving similar responses, he jokingly asked whether he should parade his newfound identity on Tinder.

As fate may have it…

Image: Unilad

He created it.


Well, guess what? Within a solid twenty seconds of going live…

She’s earned a goddamn super like.

Image: Unilad

Not to mention the string of messages from Olivia’s potential suitors:

Image: Unilad
Image: Unilad

And of course, Tinder wouldn’t be Tinder without a proper, honest to goodness f***boi.

Image: Unilad

Within a short period of time, new user Olivia has garnered over…

100 matches.

Image: Unilad

And that’s not even including another 100 just waiting for her to swipe right on them.

Talk about sheer game.

Moral of the story

Sadly, Olivia had to be retired due to unforeseen circumstances, but I’m sure the end results speak clearly for themselves:

Men are much more desperate than women.

Sure, there are guys girls practically go gaga over, and there’s the notion that Olivia does look pretty hot… but a super like within 20 seconds?

Are you kidding me?

Image: Imgflip

But then again, I can’t help but wonder this the next time I swipe a girl:


Image: Imgflip

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