
Hello and welcome to another episode of What Do You Think They Did? 

Today’s episode involves a young skateboarder and an SMRT employee.

The skateboarder was attempting to perform tricks near the entrance of an MRT station, as were a couple of his friends.

The SMRT employee wasn’t too happy about this and thought he should show his displeasure. So, What Do You Think He Did?

  1. Called the police
  2. Told the skateboarder to kindly skate somewhere else as it was annoying him
  3. Yelled at the skateboarder while shaking his fist

If you guessed one of the three options above, I’m sorry to say you’re walking away empty-handed. The answer was actually secret option 4: Dashed towards the skateboarder and shoved him.

SMRT Staff Seen Shoving Skateboarder at Esplanade Station

Before the incident, the skateboarding victim and his friends could be seen skateboarding down the staircase outside the entrance of Esplanade MRT station.

They weren’t attempting to do a firecracker – which is when you literally roll down stairs and crack the tail along the way – they were just leaping over the five step-staircase, while doing tricks in mid-air.

Image: Instagram (SgfollowsAll)

Image: Instagram (SgfollowsAll)

One of the three skaters pictured in the video, wearing a bright orange hoodie, would later come to regret choosing Esplanade MRT station as their practice arena.

In a video shared by Instagram page SgfollowsAll, a man in a red jacket could be seen running towards the skater in orange just as he was about to leap over the stairs, and shoved him forcefully.

Image: Instagram (SGFollows)

Image: Instagram (SGFollows)

Image: Instagram (SGFollows)

As with every issue on the internet, netizens were divided as to who was in the wrong.

Image: Instagram (SGFollows)

SMRT Responds, Said Employee “Overreacted” 

SMRT soon responded in a post on Facebook, saying the employee has since been suspended.

The incident occurred on Friday (20 Aug) at around 10:25pm.

“A station staff saw the person skateboarding within the station and told him that skateboarding is not permitted within station premises for the safety of commuters,” SMRT said.

“When the staff saw that the person was skateboarding towards the stairs which other commuters were also using, the staff ran towards the person to stop him from doing so.”

SMRT said a report has been made, and that they’re assisting with investigations.

“We are sorry that our staff overreacted,” SMRT said. “He has been suspended from duties and will be supporting investigations.”

Speaking to CNAthe police confirmed that they are looking into a case of criminal force involving a 36-year-old man, who is assisting with investigations.

Read Also: 

Featured Image: Instagram (sgfollowsall)

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