
Back in December, the Wuhan virus was nothing but a faraway fairytale happening in another part of the world.

A myth, if you will.

All we knew at the time was that there was a mysterious pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan that seemed to have begun at a market selling live game.

Fast forward to today and many things have changed. Firstly, it’s no longer coined a “mysterious pneumonia outbreak”.

It is called the 2019-Novel Coronavirus.

Secondly, it has spread to over 20 countries all over the world and claimed the lives of over 400 people.

Further, a whopping 24,000 people worldwide have been afflicted with the deadly virus.

In Singapore alone, there are currently 28 confirmed cases at the time of writing and at least one locally transmitted case.

Thus far, there is no evidence of a wider community spread, but our government isn’t one to leave it up to fate.

Nope, we’re taking measures to stop the spread and among these measures are the Quarantine Order and Leave of Absence:

The Key Differences Between Leave of Absence & a Quarantine Order in S’pore

The Quarantine Order and a Leave Of Absence (LOA) have been implemented by the Singapore government to “ensure the safety and health of all Singaporeans.”

Simi sai? What’s the difference? Sounds the same to me.

Don’t worry, let Goody Feed explain.

What Is Leave Of Absence (LOA)

According to, LOA is a precautionary measure to prevent the possible spread of infections.

Those on LOA should

  • stay home
  • minimise contact with others
  • monitor their health closely

They are allowed to leave their houses for brief periods but must go home as soon as they can.

Residents and long term pass holders who have recently travelled from China are advised to take a 14-day LOA.

Quarantine order

Quarantine order is more strictly enforced.

An individual on a quarantine order is isolated with the aim of limiting the spread of the virus in the community.

He or she must be isolated either at home, at Government Quarantine Facilities or at a hospital.

A quarantine order is a directive with legal force. It has severe penalties for non-compliance.

All travellers who have been to Hubei will be quarantined.

Basically, you can’t wander out and about, you are under house arrest.

Strict Action Against Errant Landlords

News has gotten around that some landlords have been evicting tenants who are placed on LOA or home quarantine order, or even based on their nationality.

The government is taking a strict stance against such behaviour.

They emphasise that there’s no need for landlords to evict these groups and that appropriate action will be taken against landlords who irresponsibly evict their residents.

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