Some Nightlife Operators Want to Host Last ‘Farewell Parties’ Tonight; Authorities Step In Immediately

You’d know by now: from tomorrow (26 March 2020), 11:59pm, nightlife in Singapore will be part of history for at least a month.

Chiongers who can’t survive a night without drinking their way to bed would have to suffice with watching Crash Landing on You at night, though if they can’t sleep, they might want to subscribe to our YouTube channel instead.

But like what a Wise Old Man who is now infected with CTUPID-20 once said, “If we’re going down, let’s all go down together.”

And alas, some nightlife operators decided to host farewell parties before the impending shutdown tomorrow

Which, if you think about it, is the exact thing that’s caused the shutdown altogether.

Authorities: Bruh, You All Siao?

Obviously, to inform others about this last party of March and April, they’d have to publicise the event, and it caught the eye of the authorities.

Singapore Tourism Board (STB), Enterprise Singapore and most importantly, the police, said in a joint statement, “We are aware a number of nightlife operators intend to host ‘farewell’ events tonight that could result in large numbers of people congregating.

“During this time, we appeal to Singaporeans to exercise good judgement and social responsibility.”

If you still didn’t know why this is wrong, here’s why: firstly, events with less than 250 people are now banned as well, unless it’s a group of less than 10 people. Correct me if I’m wrong, but a party can’t be less than 10 people, right?

Secondly, all  businesses, be it nightlife operators or noonlife operators or morninglife operators, need to ensure there’s safe distancing in their premises. Correct me if I’m wrong again, but a party with distance is not a party but a school debate, isn’t it?

And thirdly, where’s the social responsibility in this? Can’t people just stay home to watch more Netflix?

But because human beings are never good at being human beings, Government officials and police will be on the ground to monitor and enforce safe distancing measures. And they’ll crash into your party if you still insist that your one night of enjoyment is more important than the lives of 5.8 million people.

The authorities added, “These events undermine the campaign against Covid-19 and increases risk to public health. If you are planning to attend, we urge you to seriously reconsider, if not for your own health, then for the health of those around you.”

So, be a good human being and just dance at home. No one’s judging during this outbreak period. TikTok if you want. That’s better than creating a cluster.

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