10 Red Flags You Should Never Ignore In A Relationship

Relationships are hard.

Before you even embark on a relationship, you have to find someone who actually likes you as much as you like them. This can be a difficult task, one which often involves right-swiping rampages on Tinder and devouring tubs of ice cream while crying.

But then you find ‘the one’, and all your problems seem to melt away as you float on a cloud of contentment.

Your instinct is to hold on to this person for dear life because you don’t think you’ll ever find someone this ‘perfect’.

But what if they’re not actually ‘perfect’? What if your judgement is clouded by your infatuation and the fear of being alone?

Well, that’s why I’m here, dear reader.

If your partner exhibits any of these 10 signs, pack all your things, block them on social media, and GTFO.

1. They lie all the time, even about little things

Any good relationship is built on trust. When that foundation crumbles, so will the entire relationship.

It’s obviously bad when a partner lies to you about their whereabouts or texts they’re receiving, but even small lies can point to a bigger secret, which just creates insecurities and keeps you on the edge.

2. They want to spend too much time with you

Wanting to spend time together may seem like a good thing, but if your partner wants to spend every waking moment with you and gets anxious otherwise, then it may be a sign of insecurity.


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