Gaming addiction is a very real thing, and the behaviour it results in is at times.. less than pleasant. Just ask anyone who lives with someone who plays one of those MMORPGs or even Dota.
Constant raging and general disgruntled-ness often accompany a gaming session.
“Stupid Noobs!!” my brother yelled while playing some game on his computer.
So yes, games can make you do stupid stuff, like yell at someone who can’t even hear you through a computer screen.
But this 10-year-old’s game made him a tad more.. opportunistic and sneaky. You could say that it was all fun and games until it wasn’t.
10YO Gamer Steals 3 Months Worth of Salary From Mom’s Account To Buy In-Game ‘Skins’
I know you must be thinking that the mother didn’t teach him proper behaviour. For example: stealing is wrong, period.
But honestly, he’s old enough to know right from wrong. The blame’s on the son for this one.
If you’re wondering what skins are, they’re basically costumes that your in-game characters wear to look cooler.

Kind of like this. Sometimes, the default costume for a character is boring or dull. A game will release interesting skins to entice gamers to purchase it to ‘customize’ their own characters.
Or perhaps even flaunt their wealth, since skins often cost real-world money to purchase.
According to China Press, a 10-year-old boy from China stole RMB 9000 (~S$1,700) from his mother’s bank account so he could purchase skins on his mobile game.

This is what the game looks like.
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Mother Realised 3 Months Of Her Pay Was Missing From Her Bank Account
On 27 October, his mother wanted to withdraw cash from her ATM account when she realised that her bank balance was significantly lower than she remembered.
Hmm, what could have happened to the money? Was it the sneaky credit card bills?

She then reviewed her bank statement and realised that someone had been making transactions on her account every single day between 10 October to 24 October.
The total amount that was missing was SGD$1,700, which is equivalent to three months of her pay.
She later found out that the culprit was her son, who had been using money from her account to pay for his mobile game ‘skin’ purchases.
Ouch. I can feel the pain. Imagine working darn hard to make a living for your family, only to have it be thrown down the drain thanks to a game.
Son Memorised Mother’s WeChat Payment Password
The 10-year-old boy would spend every day after school playing the mobile game, King Of Glory (instead of doing his homework).
It was reported that he was able to make the transactions because he memorised his mother’s WeChat payment password.
Smart Nation, anyone?
In a span of 10 short days, he had bought 60 in-game skins using three months of his mother’s salary.
How heartbreaking.
The skins were priced between RMB 48 (~S$9) to RMB 200 (~S$38)
I assume they were priced based on how rare or unique they were.
Ms Wang has since tried to contact the company behind the game King Of Glory to get a refund.
We sincerely hope that she will be refunded.