132 New Covid-19 Cases Reported Today (8 Aug); 1 Case In The Community

Previously, the Multi-Ministry Task Force promised that when the dormitories are cleared, we’ll see a drop in the number of new Covid-19 cases reported daily.

While I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be that fast, we’re getting a sneak peek today.

As of 12pm on 8 Aug 2020, the Ministry of Health (MOH) preliminarily reports 132 new Covid-19 cases.

This brings the total to 54,929.

There is only 1 case in the community, a Singaporean.

There are also 6 imported cases, all of which were on Stay-Home-Notice since they arrived in Singapore.

Migrant workers staying in a few “standalone blocks” which functions as quarantine facilities make up a vast majority of the cases.

7 Aug: Case Details

The sole community case reported on 7 Aug is a 67-year-old Singaporean man.

He was detected under the enhanced community testing regime where everyone aged 13 and above must be swabbed if they visited a doctor for acute respiratory infections (ARI).

There were also 6 imported cases: a Singaporean and a PR, two work pass holders currently employed in SIngapore, a long-term visit pass holder and a dependant’s pass holder.

They arrived in Singapore between 25 and 27 July and has been serving a 14-day SHN since arrival.

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