1,426 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today (20 Apr); 16 Are S’poreans or S’pore PR

By now, you should be used to knowing about the number of new cases in the afternoon.

But no one would be used to seeing today’s number.

Today, a record high of 1,426 new cases were announced by MOH.

Of the 1,426, only 16 are Singaporeans or Singapore PR, with the vast majority from Work Permit holders residing in foreign worker dormitories.

Yesterday, we had 596 new cases, with 25 of the Singaporeans or Singapore PRs.

This means in total, Singapore now has 8,014 cases.

The spike in the number of foreign worker dorm cases is because the authorities are aggressively testing residents living in dormitories and isolating them. As of yesterday, most of these cases are young, have a mild illness and are being monitored in the community isolation facilities or general ward of our hospitals. None of them is in the intensive care unit.

To break the chain of transmission, all Work Permit holders and S Pass holders in the construction industry have also been put on Stay-Home Notice starting from today, as it’s been established that people are infected in construction work sites.

The authorities have also set up a task force to control the spread of the virus in dormitories.

More details about today’s cases would be revealed tonight.

Worldwide Figure

Globally, there are now more than 2.4 million cases with over 165k deaths.

A majority of the cases are from the US, which now has over 764k cases and over 40k deaths.

In the meantime, keep yourself updated by bookmarking MOH’s website here and registering for the Gov.sg’s WhatsApp service here.

Or if you’re young, you can join Gov.sg’s Telegram channel and do remember to join the Goody Feed Telegram channel, too.

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