1,461 COVID-19 Cases Reported on 22 Nov With 5 New Deaths

The easing of restrictions could not have come at a better time, as the number of new COVID-19 cases has been steadily falling in recent days.

As a result, our weekly infection growth – the ratio of community cases for the past week over the week before – has fallen to 0.79 from 0.81 on Sunday.

This is the 10th day in a row that it has stayed under 1.0.

1,461 New COVID-19 Cases

1,461 new COVID-19 cases were reported yesterday (22 Nov), a decrease of 209 from the previous day’s tally.

This is the lowest daily caseload since 25 Sep, nearly two months ago.

The cases comprise 1,415 infections in the community, 40 in migrant worker dormitories, and six imported infections.

Among the local cases are 247 seniors above 60.

5 COVID-19 Fatalities 

Sadly, five more COVID-19 cases succumbed to the virus.

Aged between 61 and 105, all of them had various underlying medical conditions except for an unvaccinated case.

This brings our death toll to 667.

MOH Closely Monitoring 2 Large Clusters

The Ministry of Health (MOH) is closely monitoring two large clusters with new cases.

The first is at Sunlove Senior Care Centre @ 70 Buangkok View which grew to 21 infections after three more cases were linked to it. Of the 21 cases, two are staff, 15 are clients, and four are household members.

Eight more cases were also added to the Pacific Healthcare Nursing Home cluster at 6 Lengkok Bahru, bringing its total to 23. All those infected at the home are residents.

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1,421 COVID-19 Cases in Hospital; 92 in ICU

At the moment, there are 1,421 COVID-19 cases warded in hospitals, most of whom are well and under observation.

204 serious cases require oxygen supplementation and 92 are in the intensive care unit, comprising 30 cases who are unstable and under close monitoring, and 62 who are critically ill and intubated.

Our ICU utilisation rate is currently at 53.5%, a rise from Sunday’s 52.9%.

Over the past seven days, the number of fully vaccinated and non-fully vaccinated cases who have been critically ill in the ICU are at 0.5 and 4.6 per 100,000 population respectively.

The same figures for seniors aged 60 and above are 1.8 and 41.1 respectively.

Over the same period, the number of fully vaccinated and non-fully vaccinated cases who died are 0.04 and 0.8 per 100,000 population respectively.

The same figures for seniors aged 60 and above are 0.2 and 8.6 respectively.

Currently, 85% of our population has been fully vaccinated and 86% have received at least one dose. 23% have received their booster shots.

Pfizer Vaccine Trial for Adolescents Shows Long-term Efficacy 

A study has found that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine provides strong long-term protection against the virus for adolescents aged 12 to 15.

Participants were given two doses of the vaccine, with 30 micrograms for each dose.

The study showed that the vaccine was 100% effective against the disease.

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Featured Image: kandl stock / Shutterstock.com (Image is for illustration purposes only)

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