16 S’poreans Injured In Bus Accident; All Have Since Been Discharged from Hospital

When I was younger, my parents didn’t allow me to go overseas because they assumed I’ll immediately die upon reaching my destination in some freak accident.

And when I finally did go, my phone received more calls and messages in two days than most people get in a lifetime.

When I was abroad, my parents would read the newspapers with dread, expecting to see the headline “Goody Feed Writer Dies In Foreign Country”. I’m not sure why my parents expected foreign news outlets to refer to me as “Goody Feed Writer” instead of my actual name, but I digress.

The thing is, accidents abroad do happen sometimes.

Bus Accident in Thailand

16 Singaporeans were injured on Friday (20 December) night after their tour bus swerved off the road in central Thailand.

The accident occurred in the Sing Buri province.

The Singaporean tourists had been on a tour visiting a local church and a market in the Bang Rachan district of central Thailand just before the accident.

On their way back to the hotel, their driver tried to avoid a collision with another vehicle that was travelling in the opposite direction.

He swerved and lost control of the bus which tipped over onto its side after crashing into bushes on the roadside.


According to Thai PBS, five of the 16 tourists were seriously injured in the accident.

Most of them suffered bruises, and three were given stitches. Those who were injured were taken to a provincial hospital.

Thankfully, all the injured tourists have since been discharged from the hospital, as confirmed by Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).

“The Singapore Embassy in Bangkok has been in touch with members of the group involved as well as the local hospital to render assistance,” said MFA.

“The Embassy understands that the injured Singaporeans were attended to by the hospital and all have since been discharged.”

MFA added that they will work with the Singapore Embassy in Thailand to facilitate the return of the 16 tourists to Singapore.

Mum: See, I told you going overseas is dangerous

Mum, this was just one incident. And everyone’s fine. Can you please get out of my artic-

Dad: But you must be careful, ok? Remember what happened when you tried to fry some eggs and got burnt?


Parents in unison: Kids grow up too fast these days

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