Many of us have probably rebelled during our teenage years. We did things that we regret now or things that we cringe at whenever we look back on the past.
I’m sure many of us have had instances where we didn’t feel like the teacher was right in scolding us, or perhaps, we just felt annoyed that we got scolded. Nobody likes being scolded, obviously.
But what do you do after you get scolded?
Some of us reflect and try not to make the same mistake again. Some of us grumble about getting scolded and we serve detention for it. Ultimately, don’t we all just let bygones be bygones and continue on with life? After all, there’s nothing we can do about it.
Well, most of us do that. But not this 16-year-old boy from Manado, Indonesia.
Nope, he went further than that.
What Happened
It all started when he and his friend were both asked to plant flowers in their school’s field on 21 October, Monday, evening.
They finished their task and proceeded to take a break, sitting down at the schoolyard. And for some reason, they thought that it would be a good idea to smoke. On school compound.
Now, their school (or any sane school for that matter) has a strict no-smoking-on-campus policy, but clearly, they didn’t seem to care about it.
So they’re having a stick each and that’s when one of their religious teachers, 54-year-old Alexander Valentino Weru Pangkey, saw them and scolded them. He apparently shouted for them to stop and mentioned that one of them should be sent home.
At this point in time, the 16-year-old boy decided that enough was enough, and he chose to be the one to return home. But he returned home just to pick up a knife.
And then he made his way back to school because he wanted to let his teacher have a taste of his own medicine.
The teacher was about to get on his motorcycle and leave for home when the 16-year old suddenly appeared and started stabbing his teacher, causing him to fall to the ground.

Someone from what appears to be the second-storey heard shouts and quickly went to see what happened. He also filmed the incident.
The video shows the student mercilessly stabbing his teacher 12 times before running away at full speed after his teacher manages to get back up on his feet.
The teacher then stumbles away to get help from the staff and students nearby.
Medical help was immediately called for and the teacher was sent to Malalayang Hospital but a few hours later, he was pronounced dead because of the fatal stabs he suffered.
The student was later arrested and charged under Article 340 of the Criminal Code and could possibly be sentenced to up to 20 years in jail.

It is sad to see that this teacher lost his life while trying to educate his students. We hope that he will rest in peace.