2 Men Who Posed as Students to Ask for Donations Are S’pore Navy Regulars

Lately, there have been two men in their twenties pretending to be student volunteers, going door-to-door in Hougang to ask for donations.

Owing to the videographic evidence, it has been proven that the pair are regulars in the Singapore Navy (RSN). An RSN spokesperson has come forward to state that they will be taking the appropriate disciplinary measures against the two men for their bad conduct.

What Happened?

The inciting incident happened on 25 June, around 1:15am at night, outside a flat unit at Hougang Street 51.

The 29-year-old resident, going by the surname of Cai, recounted seeing two strangers loitering outside the house deep in the night. His mother was rudely awoken by the sound of the doorbell.

Upon opening the door, she was greeted by the two men who introduced themselves as student volunteers and said that they were gathering donations.

Since the other party was unable to state which school or organisation they were representing, Mr Cai’s mother chose to reject them.

According to the provided surveillance footage, the men had been smoking outside the house before they rang the doorbell, and they even openly discussed their cover. When their attempt to gather “donations” failed, they even exchanged a laugh.

Feeling that something was amiss, Mr Cai’s family decided to contact the police.

Official Responses

When the RSN spokesperson was being interviewed by Lianhe Zaobao, they confirmed that the two men were regulars in the Singapore Navy.

Once the Navy learned of the incident and discovered their misdemeanour, they have since taken the appropriate disciplinary measures.

Mr Cai also revealed that even though the incident happened three weeks ago, his parents still keep their doors locked at night, in fear that someone might come up to their door to harass them.

The police hope that they can get to the bottom of the truth as soon as possible, and ask members of the public to remain vigilant.

The police have also affirmed that they have received the relevant reports pertaining to the case and investigations are underway. 

Featured Image: Bruce

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