2 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today; 1 is a 1-Year-Old Boy Who Doesn’t Have Any Symptom

Goody news today.

There are only two new COVID-19 cases today, and if you’d have noticed, there’s a downward trend of the number of new cases reported daily.

Three days ago, there were 9 new cases. Two days ago, there were 5 new cases. Yesterday, there were 3 new cases.

And to add more goody to goody: today’s cases aren’t of unknown infections, too.

Here are the details for today’s cases.

2 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today; 1 is a 1-Year-Old Kid

The first case is a one-year-old Singaporean boy who was evacuated from Wuhan on 9 February 2020. He had exhibited no symptoms at all, and because all Singaporeans evacuated from Wuhan were tested for COVID-19 as an added precaution, he was tested positive yesterday afternoon. The boy is now warded in an isolation room at the KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH).

The second patient is a 35-year-old Singaporean man who is a close contact with one of the confirmed case, the 62-year-old DBS employee. He was found to carry the virus this morning.

This brings the total number of cases in Singapore to 77.

This announcement comes after the authorities introduced the “Stay-Home Notice”, in which anyone who’s returning to Singapore with recent travel to China would not be allowed to leave their home for 14 days.

Updates on Confirmed Cases and Close Contacts

Currently, the results for 103 suspect cases are still pending.

Of the 77 confirmed cases, 24 of them have recovered and have been discharged. 4 of them are in critical condition and warded in the intensive care unit. The conditions of the remaining patients are either stable or improving.

MOH has identified 2,358 close contacts. Of these, 1,081 are currently quarantined, and 1,277 have completed their quarantine. Hard to believe that this outbreak started less than a month ago, isn’t it?

For the latest update, do bookmark MOH’s website here or register for Gov.sg’s WhatsApp service here.

In the meantime, stay safe and vigilant, and let’s hope for another piece of good news tomorrow.

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