2 SPF Officers Were Tested Positive But Both Are Unrelated & Haven’t Been on COVID-19 Operations

Lest you didn’t know, yesterday, the number of local COVID-19 cases is more than the number of imported cases.

Out of the 49 cases announced, 27 are local cases.

And it turns out that two of them are police officers.

2 SPF Officers Were Tested Positive But Both Are Unrelated & Haven’t Been on COVID-19 Operations

Before you go, “NEW CLUSTER I AM NOT GOING TO FIND THE POLICE LIAO!”, please hold your horses and think logically first.

Firstly, there is no new cluster, if not the authorities would have informed us early.

Secondly, unless you live in an alternate universe, you as a citizen don’t usually look for police officers; they look for you instead.

The first officer is a 26-year-old Singaporean who hasn’t been on active duty since 2 March 2020 as he was undergoing training in his unit.

He had apparently sought treatment in a GP for fever on Monday and was given a one-day MC as it’s not a respiratory illness. He went back for training on Wednesday but because he felt unwell again, he left and sought treatment in a polyclinic the next day, whereby he was then tested positive for COVID-19 and is now isolated in NCID.

The second officer is a 32-year-old Singaporean who had last reported for work on 20 March 2020. He had sought treatment for fever on 21 March 2020 and was given MC until 24 March 2020 then. As he did not recover, he sought further treatment and was given yet another three-day MC.

And finally, on 26 March 2020, when his fever had not subsided, he went to Changi General Hospital and was tested positive for the virus.

Both the sources of infections are unknown yet, and because they’re from different units, it’s not a cluster.

The police have instructed other officers who were in close contact with the infected officers to stay home and monitor their health.

It should also be noted that neither of them has been involved in any COVID-19 operations.

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