2 Women Drew Flak for Carrying LV Bag & Queuing for 1-Time $500 Help That’s for the Needy

Lest you’re unaware, the government has been offering various forms of help for those who have been negatively impacted by the coronavirus outbreak.

For instance, many individuals have suffered job losses and pay cuts while businesses experienced significantly less footfall as a result of the virus outbreak.

In fact, restaurants had prepared for as much as an 80% fall in revenue due to the virus.

Thus, the government opened applications for the Temporary Relief Fund (TRF) at community centres and social service offices (SSO) all over Singapore on 1 April.

However, some netizens have taken to social media to shame others who they believe did not deserve the TRF.

2 Women Drew Flak for Carrying LV Bag & Queuing for 1-Time $500 Help That’s for the Needy

Many people turned up to register for the Temporary Relief Fund, which is aimed at helping those who have lost their jobs or face a 30% loss of income due to the coronavirus, and thus, are in need of urgent help with basic living expenses.

Applicants who are eligible will receive a one-off S$500 cash payout.

Unfortunately, at least two women have received flak for queueing up for the TRF to receive the cash payout… while carrying Louis Vuitton bags.

On 2 April, a disgruntled netizen took to Facebook to share a photo of two women who were queueing up to register for the TRF while carrying these branded bags and gold accessories.

Image: Facebook

Questioned If They Were Really Needy

The netizen then questioned in the caption whether these women who were applying for the TRF are really in need of the money.

She asked if they were “poor” or “really, really needy”.

Image: tenor

The woman pointed out that one of the women was carrying a Louis Vuitton bag while another was wearing a gold watch and a gold necklace.

Image: Facebook

She later added on to her post by leaving a very angry comment peppered with plenty of exclamation marks to show her unhappiness regarding the situation.

Image: Facebook

The post has since garnered as many as 604 shares and 270 comments.

Other Netizens Chastise Her For Being Too Quick To Judge

However, other netizens have taken to the comment section to chastise her for being a little too quick to judge.

Image: Facebook

At least one netizen pointed out that having branded items does not indicate that a person is rich and that some might’ve saved up for many years to make the purchase.

Image: Facebook

Another netizen also pointed out that times have changed and they might be going through a hard time amidst the coronavirus situation and need financial help.

Image: Facebook

While another encouraged her to be less judgemental.

At the end of the day, we are all fighting the same battle against the COVID-19, so let’s band together and stay positive.

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