2,263 COVID-19 Cases Reported on 11 Oct But Low Number is Due to Fewer Tests Being Done

For the second day in a row, the number of new cases dipped below the 3,000 mark yesterday (11 Oct).

This must mean our COVID-19 situation is improving, right?


See, as the Ministry of Health (MOH) explained in its report, most cases in yesterday’s case count were tested over the weekend, when there are typically fewer swabs done at public health preparedness clinics (PHPCs) and polyclinics.

This was due to the 12pm cut-off for reporting COVID-19 cases for the day.

Sadly, one statistic that did not decline was the number of COVID-19 cases who succumbed to the disease, as it went up instead.

10 COVID-19 Fatalities

Ten more COVID-19 cases have passed away, comprising seven men and three women aged between 73 and 93.

Four were unvaccinated against COVID-19, three were partially vaccinated, and three were fully vaccinated. All ten had various underlying medical conditions.

These ten fatalities bring Singapore’s death toll to 172.

2,263 New Cases

2,263 new COVID-19 cases were reported yesterday, including 1,949 in the community and 306 in migrant worker dormitories.

The other eight cases are from abroad.

Among the local cases are 388 seniors above the age of 60.

Fortunately, there were no new large clusters identified, nor new cases linked to existing large clusters.

1,698 COVID-19 Cases in Hospital; 42 in ICU

At the moment, there are 1,698 COVID-19 cases warded in hospitals, most of whom are well and under observation.

308 severe cases require oxygen supplementation and 42 are in critical condition in the intensive care unit.

Over the last four weeks, 98.5% of the local cases were either asymptomatic or had mild symptoms.

Of those who have passed away over the last 28 days, 28.7% were fully vaccinated and 71.3% were unvaccinated or partially vaccinated.

As of Monday, 83% of our population has been fully vaccinated. 85% have received at least one dose.

Unvaccinated Children Aged 12 & Below Can Travel to Singapore Under VTL

Good news for vaccinated parents hoping to travel to Singapore: you can bring along your kids even if they are unvaccinated as long as they’re aged 12 and below.

The announcement was made yesterday by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS).

This arrangement will only be valid under a Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) from 19 Oct.

At present, we have VTLs with Brunei and Germany. VTLs with Italy, the Netherlands, Spain Canada, Denmark, France, the UK, and the US will open from 19 Oct, and with South Korea from 15 Nov.

If unvaccinated children aged 12 and below are travelling under this arrangement, they must be accompanied by an eligible traveller.

Both the child and vaccinated traveller will not have to serve quarantine when they arrive in Singapore.

CAAS said the move was made after receiving feedback from some parents, and consulting with MOH.

“There is some public health risk, but it can be mitigated with the other safeguards. We urge parents to exercise extra care and caution when travelling with their unvaccinated child,” it said.

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Featured Image: kandl stock / Shutterstock.com (Image for illustration purpose only)

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