Humans will do anything to lose weight.
Some of us starve ourselves, some cut carbs out of their diet, and others exercise until they pass out.
A few women in China have come up with a novel way to lose weight, however, one that involves sticking long tubes down your throat.
And, as you can imagine, this dangerous method has some major risks.
22YO Woman Accidentally Swallows Long Tube She Used To Induce Vomiting To Lose Weight
A 22-year-old woman in China accidentally swallowed a long tube she used to make herself vomit.
Why would she do such a thing? To lose weight, of course.

According to World of Buzz, this is an unhealthy trend that’s cropped up in China where a community of girls shares ‘tips and tricks’ they can use to lose weight, one of which involves inserting a thin and long plastic tube through their oesophagus to induce vomiting.
And one of the women who frequently used this method to lose weight accidentally swallowed the whole tube and it became stuck in her oesophagus.
Lied to doctor
The girl went to the doctor but lied to him, saying she accidentally swallowed a drinking straw. Now, either this girl thinks that this doctor has never seen straws before in his life or her head was too clouded by embarrassment.
The doctor concluded that the tube was too deep down her oesophagus to reach, so he had to perform an upper gastrointestinal tract radiography, which is an x-ray of the oesophagus.