24 Eateries, Including Malaysia Boleh, Delifrance & Kopitiam Outlets, Caught Breaking COVID-19 Rules

COVID-19 is serious business, and the authorities aren’t afraid to show you who’s boss.

Unfortunately for these 24 eateries, they’ve just become example uno tres for other businesses and individuals out there.

24 Eateries, Including Malaysia Boleh, Delifrance & Kopitiam Outlets, Caught Breaking COVID-19 Rules

On 22 Oct 2021, the Ministry of Sustainability and Environment (MSE) released an alarming (to some) media release to Singaporeans.

24 eateries have been caught for breaching Safe Management Measures (SMM) and Vaccinated Difference Safe Management Measures (VDS).

Okay, for those who are wondering, what’s with the new acronyms? Basically, SMM refers to the usual measures that we’re used to, such as one-metre safe distancing, not allowing life performances, so on and so forth.

VDS, on the other hand, simply refer to the new rules where only vaccinated individuals were allowed to enter or dine in.


Only 1 F&B outlet, Katong Eating House Pte Ltd, was found to have breached VDS. They were ordered to close for ten days, from 15 Oct 2021 to 24 Oct 2021; inclusive of both dates.

14 other F&B outlets were ordered to close for failing to ensure safe management measures, including:

  • Failing to ensure that customers are in permitted group sizes
  • No 1-metre safe-distancing between groups
  • Allowing music, singing and toasting to take place in the premises

Nine other F&B outlets were fined for failing to ensure safe management measures, including:

  • Safe distancing of at least 1-metre between groups
  • Singing on the premises

Authorities emphasised that it is important for F&B outlets, as well as nightspots, to follow the SMM and VDS measures; they also warned of stepped-up enforcement actions against errant outlets.

Consequences include prosecution and the revoke of licenses.

The list of 24 F&B outlets is published on MSE’s press release and include well-known names such as Canton Paradise, Malaysia Boleh at Eastpoint Mall, Delifrance, Concord Hotel and Shopping Mall, Kopitiam and more.

You can check out the full list here.

Over 1,000 Businesses and Over 3,700 Individuals Checked

Now, for those who are thinking of trying your luck because, well, there are thousands of people eating out daily, how will the government find out; think again because this time, the rulebreakers were caught after checking thousands of businesses and individuals.

According to MSE, over 1,000 businesses and over 3,700 individuals were inspected during this period.

Other than the 24 F&B outlets, 24 individuals were also caught for breaching the rules since 9 Oct 2021.

They were fined for their actions.

Enhanced Measures At Little India

Last, but not least, if you’re going to Little India in the near future, be prepared to experience enhanced measures in the area due to the upcoming festive season.

This include:

  • Switching off popular pedestrian crossing at the junction of Campbell Lane and Serangoon Road (pedestrian traffic will be redirected to the crossings at Sungei Road and Dunlop Street)
  • Operating hours of some businesses in Little India will be extended, allowing visitors to spread out their visits
  • More enforcement presence will be deployed in the area ahead of festivities

To protect your own health and others, the ministry reminds members of the public to be socially responsible.

Remain vigilant, observe the measures and visit Little India during off-peak hours.

Seniors are, of course, urged to stay home and only go out if necessary.

For those who are sick or unwell, seek medical attention and stay at home.

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Feature Image: MSE

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