26YO Who Was Stopped for Not Wearing a Seatbelt Got Caught for Drugs Instead

Imagine getting stopped for a busted taillight, only for the traffic cop to realize that your driving license has already expired…

…or that you happen to be a wanted criminal.

For this 26-year-old, however, the police might not have suspected anything had he not hightailed it out of the place, leading the police on a pretty thrilling chase, the moment he stopped the truck he was driving.

After all, he was only stopped for not wearing a seatbelt!

26YO Was Stopped for Not Wearing a Seatbelt

On 6 August 2021, at around 3:00pm, 49-year-old security guard, Wu Yi Fa witnessed a thrilling police chase and informed Lian He Wan Bao.

The news outlet immediately sent one of its reporters to the scene to investigate the story.

During the interview, the police revealed that two traffic police officers were patrolling Middle Road when they spotted a 26-year-old driving a truck without wearing his seatbelt.

As it is part of their job, the traffic cops asked the driver to stop his vehicle on the side of the road.

But surprisingly, once the man alighted from the truck, he immediately started running away.

Despite being caught off-guard, the two police officers brushed off the initial shock and gave chase.

And boy, what a chase that was.

The 26-year-old lad ran from the road in front of Sunshine Plaza towards Sim Lim Square.

However, despite his youth, he’s not particularly athletic as evident by his thin frame.

He only managed to reach the parking lot of Sim Lim Square before eventually getting caught by the police he was trying to outwit and outrun.

He Was Involved In Drugs

During the police interrogation, the youth revealed that he was involved in drugs.

This prompted the police to return to the truck with a police dog and a very dejected young man in tow.

The police made the man open the back of the truck so the police dog can do its job.

According to eyewitness accounts, the police left after three hours. It is unknown if anything incriminating was found.

The 26-year-old is currently under investigation for violating traffic regulations and being involved in drug-related offenses.

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Featured Image: Google Maps 

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