“Hey bro, going same direction right. Give me a lift la.”

Usually, as a broke guy who just exited the army, I pester my friends who are already driving to give me a convenient ride home.
Often, it ends in me thanking them and perhaps buying them a drink to return the favour another day.
Unfortunately in this instance, it seems like the one paying back is the person who was giving a ride.
A 28-year-old man has successfully sued his friend for $872, 000 in a negligence lawsuit over a road accident.

Since it is a very substantial sum of money, it is quite obvious that the plaintiff has suffered grievous injury.
The 28-year-old man, Mr Danial Syafiq Mahbob was riding pillion on his friend’s Mr Amin Juman Abdul Jabbar.
Unfortunately, they came into an accident with the taxi that was driven by Mr Mohammed Faizal Ismail, due to the negligence of Amin.
This left Danial in a debilitating and crippling condition, aka a serious brain injury.

A report by Mr Danial Syafiq’s neurosurgeon said the accident left him with lifelong cognitive and memory problems.